Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Favorite Books of 2023 So Far

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is supposed to be my most recent DNFs, but I don't want to talk about those so I'm posting my favorite books of 2023 so far instead! Let me know if you've read or plan to read any of these!

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty Chlorine by Jade Song What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty

Chlorine by Jade Song

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo Book Lovers by Emily Henry Beach Read by Emily Henry

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Beach Read by Emily Henry

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel Below by Laurel Hightower One Piece, Volume 9: Tears by Eiichiro Oda

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

Below by Laurel Hightower

One Piece, Volume 9: Tears by Eiichiro Oda


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  1. I loved Book Lovers! It was my first Emily Henry book so I'm excited to read more of hers.

    My TTT: https://www.mollysbooknook.com/9-audiobooks-i-couldnt-finish/

  2. I wanted to like Sea of Tranquility so much more than I did. I can't remember if I DNF'd or ended up finishing. If I didn't finish, I did make it over halfway before giving up.

    1. It's definitely one of those books where my opinion is based on the whole experience.

  3. I am a big Henry fan. It's great to see you enjoying her novels so much. My first Henry book was The Love That Split the World. It, and a Million Junes, were both standouts from her YA catalog

  4. I loved both Beach Read and Book Lovers! And I've got both What Lies in the Woods and Chlorine on my TBR list. :D

    1. Same! I hope you love What Lies in the Woods and Chlorine.

  5. I've only read Beach Read and thought it was good. I'm happy you enjoyed these.

    1. I hope to read more Emily Henry in the near future.

  6. I also loved Ninth House and Beach Read! Such diverse books, but both excellent! The rest of your books I haven't read, but will try to take a closer look.

    Happy Tuesday!

    Elza Reads

  7. I'm planning on reading Amina Al-Sirafi in the near future.

    My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2023/07/25/top-ten-tuesday-ten-most-recent-books-i-did-not-finish/

  8. Yes!!! Amina was SUCH a surprise for me because pirate/boat things usually bore me to tears. But I trusted in Chakraborty and wasn't disappointed 🥰

  9. Chlorine is one I want to try, and I've heard so many good things about that first one as well.

  10. BOOK LOVERS is a fun read! It's spicier than I was expecting, but otherwise, I really liked it.

    Happy TTT!

  11. Amina Al-Sirafi is one of my favourites from this year so far too. I read Ninth House a few years back and I liked it but it's not my favourite Bardugo. I want to read Hell Bent, but I'm going to need to find a detailed plot synopsis for Ninth House first because I remember basically nothing that happened!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/07/25/top-ten-tuesday-430/

    1. My read of Ninth House was a reread for that very reason!

  12. I've only read Emily Henry's books from your list, mixed impressions on both of them. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/10-books-i-recently-marked-as-did-not-finish/

    1. Every author can't work for everyone! :) I hope to read some more from her.

  13. I have copies of Chlorine and The Adventures of Amina, just waiting for me to make time to read them. Awesome list!


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