Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Bookish Goals for 2023

My goals this year are short, but below is an honest look at my 2023 reading plans.

Read Books When They Arrive

Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, Megan McDowell (Translator)

I always fail at this goal, but it's probably my #1 goal for 2023. If I preorder a book or request it from my library, that means I want to read it above all else. So why do they go unread? (This goal is going to be in direct conflict with my next goal.)

Mood Read

The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang Jade City by Fonda Lee

I've been doing a lot of mood reading lately, and it's the best. I really wouldn't have it any other way, but like most of us, I commit myself to book clubs and readalongs and against my better judgment review copies. I want to commit to continued mood reading in 2023.


Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch The Princess Bride by William Goldman

I've also been rereading a lot lately, and I want to keep rereading old favorites especially via audio when I'm super busy.


The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan We Spread by Ian Reid The First Binding by R.R. Virdi

I am already a big library user, but I have a tendency to use my library for digital copies of the books I have purchased. I love going back and forth between audio and print. I'd like to go just digital more this year, but that's a big struggle for me so we'll see how this one goes.

That's it! I'm just hoping to read the books I'm most excited about in 2023.

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.


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  1. It's funny you mention using the library for digit books you have. My daughter and I used to do that too. Now we're all digital. I read a lot from the library. Great resource. Mood reading is the best. I find my ratings are always high when I read by mood. Good luck with all your goals!

  2. I used to check out 30 books at a time from my library back when I had a car. I have 89 books on my Kindle right now that I downloaded for free when a bunch of authors were doing a promotion. I have a lot of reading to do.

  3. That McGuire series is top of my list to start in 2023.

  4. "against my better judgment review copies" Why do I feel this so much? haha

  5. I'm so curious about Our Share of Night. I'll be waiting to hear what you think! And I love the goal of reading a book as soon as you get it😁


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