Friday, December 31, 2021

Book Review | Ghost in the Headlights by Lindsey Duga

Source: Preordered purchase. This is a review of my personal reading experience.

Ghost in the Headlights is Lindsey Duga's latest middle grade horror novel.

Ghost in the Headlights by Lindsey Duga

In this modern-day retelling of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," an angry ghost haunts a small-town road in search of revenge...

When Brianna Jenson agreed to move in with her cruel uncle Shane in rural Pennsylvania, she didn't expect to find herself in the middle of a terrifying town legend.

Every afternoon on her walk home from school, as the sun begins to set behind the overhanging branches of Shadowrun Road, Brianna hears footsteps following her -- footsteps that belong to no one. Then there's the car that races along the narrow country road with blinding lights and almost runs her over! That's when Brianna realizes... there's no one driving. It's almost as if someone -- or something -- is trying to get her attention.

As Brianna investigates what happened on Shadowrun Road, she discovers a town tragedy that has never been resolved. Can Brianna get to the bottom of this ghostly mystery before it's too late?

Ghost in the Headlights is the perfect book to give a young reader starting out on their horror journey. This is exactly the type of book young Jen would have loved to read.

In Ghost in the Headlights, Brianna has to stay with her uncle while her mother is away training for work. Brianna finds herself wrapped up in the mysterious local legend of a missing girl.

I loved Brianna and her friendship with Jacob as they try to solve the mystery of the ghost girl.

As an adult who loves middle grade fiction, Ghost in the Headlights is not one I would really recommend to other adults. Like The Haunting, Ghost in the Headlights is filled with classic tropes that most adults have experienced numerous times but are absolutely perfect for an younger audience.

My youngest is entering the realm of middle grade reading, and Ghost in the Headlights is a book I am excited to pass down to him.

4/5 stars


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  1. Every young reader needs tropes😁 This sounds great!

  2. This has been a very popular title in my library. I wish this author were published in hard cover!


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