Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Book Review | Seeing Things by Sonora Taylor

Seeing Things is a new horror release from Sonora Taylor.

Seeing Things by Sonora Taylor

Abby Gillman has discovered that with growing up, there comes a lot of blood. But nothing prepares her for the trail of blood she sees in the hallway after class - or the ghost she finds crammed inside an abandoned locker.

No one believes Abby, of course. She’s only seeing things. As much as Abby wants to be believed, what she wants more is to know why she can suddenly see the dead. Unfortunately, they won’t tell her. In fact, none of them will speak to her. At all.

Abby leaves for her annual summer visit to her uncle’s house with tons of questions. The visit will give her answers the ghosts won’t - but she may not like what she finds out.

Seeing Things is my third book to read by Sonora Taylor. Her previous releases Without Condition {review} and Little Paranoias {review} are favorites among the Ladies of Horror Fiction team.

I'm so happy Taylor has gifted us with a ghost story. Combining my favorite horror element (ghosts) with her storytelling really put me in my happy place with this one!

Seeing Things follows Abby Gillman as she begins "seeing things" that others claim are just her imagination. Weighing in at under 200 pages, Seeing Things is a quick read, but it packs in a full story of legends and family secrets.

I would be happy if Taylor decided to make a whole series following Abby and her family and how she copes with seeing things. I'll be reading what comes next either way.


Review copy provided by the author


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  1. There's something about someone seeing ghosts that draws me to a story. I think it's my love of The Sixth Sense!

  2. I do love a good ghost story and this one sounds right up my alley! :)

  3. Sounds like one I need to grab.

  4. Oh that sounds like a good story. I do like ghosts.

  5. Ghosts aren't really my thing, but I'm happy you enjoyed it! :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬


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