Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Top Ten Hidden Gems

These are some of my favorite books of all time, but they don't have many reviews on Goodreads. (Btw, Andy Davidson's In the Valley of the Sun is on sale today for $1.99!) I'd love to hear if you've read any of these hidden gems.

The Nightmare Chronicles by Douglas Clegg

Strangewood by Christopher Golden

Deep in the Darkness by Michael Laimo

Bad Things by Tamara Thorne

Before Leonora Wakes (Division #1) by Lee Thompson

Beyond the Door by Jeffrey Thomas

Inside the Outside by Martin Lastrapes

A Nearer Moon by Melanie Crowder

Garden of Fiends: Tales of Addiction Horror edited by Mark Matthews

In the Valley of the Sun by Andy Davidson

This post is being shared as part of The Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday.


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  1. I am having a hard time getting into Sci-Fi, but I will check some of these titles out.

    Carmen / Carmen`s Reading Corner

  2. Garden of Fiends is one of my favorites too! I've had that Clegg novel in my tbr pile for YEARS. Now I don't know where it is :( I'll have to unearth it.

  3. OMG! Thanks so much for letting me know In the Valley of the Sun was on sale today. I've been waiting for my library to get a copy but for $1.99 I just grabbed it! I'm pretty sure I read Bad Things but it was YEARS ago, before I started tracking. Great list!

  4. Beyond the Door looks deliciously creepy. I will definitely be looking more into some of these books. Great list. - Katie

  5. I want A Nearer Moon - it's just so gorgeous I can't stop looking at it.
    Lynn :D

  6. Strangewood looks freaky, and Bad things looks good too. A Nearer Moon has me interested. I should read more horror I guess...

  7. A Nearer Moon looks good :-) A great list!

  8. The cover to Beyond the Door is super disturbing. I have A Nearer Moon on my tbr list.

  9. I haven't even heard of the majority of these. In the Valley of the Sun is totally on my TBR though. I got a copy but I can only read it on my phone? Which, no thanks. lol

  10. Oh, I still NEED to read In the Valley of the Sun! I'm so glad to see it in your hidden gems list though, as that's the only book I've heard of. I have to do some research into the others :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  11. Ooh, Beyond the Door has a cool cover. Into the Valley of the Sun caught my eye as well.

    Here is our TTT

  12. Ooh some nice creepy covers there! Deep in the Shadows sounds interesting. I've added it to wishlist and might check it out later.

    1. Deep in the Darkness I mean. *sigh* Check before publishing Chuckles!

  13. I see a strong three theme in book creepy book covers...something to learn I guess haha :) Garden of Fiends...I'll be adding that on my TBR.

  14. wow all these books look scary good! I'm getting ready to read LOTSA of horror so thank you for sharing this list :)


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