Sunday, July 30, 2017

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | July 30

I had a fantastic reading week this past week. I was able to mood read all week, and I enjoyed everything I picked up.

Posted Last Week

Book Review | Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine

Read Last Week

Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine: Goodreads | My review

I finally picked up the first volume of Saga. I think the graphic novels Barb has been reading lately is what put me in the mood. Now I want to read them all, but my library only had the first one. This is going to test my patience.

I also read Witching Hour Theatre by Jonathan Janz. It was just the quick, fun read I needed.

Current Distractions

  • I finished season 3 of Game of Thrones which means I've officially experienced the Red Wedding. OH. MY. GOD!
  • I finally saw M. Night Shyamalan's Split. I really, really wish I hadn't put that off. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be, and the ending threw me for such a loop! My husband tells me there are going to be more movies set in that world, too. I've missed that side of M. Night.
  • I'm super excited about the upcoming IT movie. (I'm still rereading it. Slowly...) Did you see the trailer this week? It looks absolutely terrifying! I really hope it's a HUGE smash at the box office so we can get some more (including non-Stephen King) horror adaptations.
So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. How awesome that you loved everything that you read this week! I keep reading a book I didn't like that much, followed by a great book and after that a mwah.. book. Sigh..
    Ooww.. The Red Wedding!! Yes!! That was heartbreaking!
    Have a great week!

    1. I know exactly what you mean! I landed on a really good week of reading. :) Gah! Red Wedding! Heartbreaking, shocking... all of the things.

  2. I am super curious about Stillhouse Lake, I need to check that one out. I haven't seen Game of Thrones, but I would love to, everyone raves about it. Have a great Sunday. Thanks for stopping by earlier. :)

    Jenea's Book Obsession

    1. I'm behind on the Game of Thrones wagon myself. Definitely keep Stillhouse Lake on your radar. :)

  3. I have Stillhouse Lake on my Kindle. It looks so good. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Stillhouse Lake is definitely worth the read. Thanks, Yvonne. I hope you have a great week, too!

  4. Oooh! You picked up Saga! I hope you enjoy it!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. YES! I loved Saga. I have a hold on the second one... *crosses fingers!* I hope I get to continue on with the next one soon.

  5. Yes, creepy. I saw just the beginning of the IT trailer but then stopped. I didn't want to get too spoiled. Now you got me curious about Split.

    1. Oh, riiiight. You are reading it for the first time! I need to check in on your updates to see how it is going!! If you are a fan of M. Night, I do recommend you watch Split.

  6. Stillhouse Lake looks so good. I need to get my hands on it. Oh to experience GOTs for the first time again. I hope you're enjoying. I want to read IT before the movie comes out.

    1. Despite all of my crying and complaining, I'm having a great time watching Game of Thrones. Keep Stillhouse Lake on your radar. I plan to keep up with the series.

  7. That atmospheric cover of stillhouse Lake gets me every time. And it's first in a series? Nice. Saga is good but I've stalled on vol. 5.

    The Red Wedding traumatized me I think in the books lol, but on the show. Even worse.

    1. Right? I was drawn to Stillhouse Lake, and I do not regret it! I'm all "boo" about it being a series, but I'll still be the first in line for the next one. Haha. You need to pick Saga back up! I think Barb just reviewed #6.

      I have a very vivid image of the Red Wedding that may never leave me. UGH.

  8. Yes, it does take some patience waiting on those graphic novels. I don't buy many because of their cost so I usually rely on the libraries in my area. They are pretty good about ordering books I request, but it takes them a while. Glad you enjoyed Saga - they only get better.

    1. I request a lot of books through Overdrive, but I think they've only actually purchased one of them. :/ It was a graphic novel, though! I need to see if I even finished that series...

      I have a hold on Saga, Vol. 2 so fingers crossed it will come in soon.

  9. IT filled my childhood with nightmares, and that was the TV miniseries version. I cannot imagine how much more frightening this new version will be. *chills*

    1. Oh, gosh. The new version really does look terrifying. The book is terrifying so I'm really excited about the whole thing. One of my favorite King books... a terrifying adaptation... something in the horror genre that is going to reach a wider audience... something terrifying in the horror genre that is going to reach a wider audience... I'm so damn giddy.

  10. So you just experienced the Red Wedding? Oh dear, I wish I could reach out and give you a virtual hug. I've read the books, but it didn't make that episode any less traumatizing :(

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Thank you, Mogsy! Traumatizing is a good word for it.

  11. I was a huge fan of graphic novels and am starting to miss them now. I hope you enjoy these books and have an awesome reading week. :)

    PS: I haven't watched Games of Thrones, haha. Can you believe it? I'm planning to someday though. With blogging and real life responsibilities I barely have time for entertainment other than reading.

    1. I'm just now making my way through Game of Thrones for the first time. My kids are just now getting out of the constant supervision stage. I haven't had the time or the opportunity to watch anything really for the last 10 years. I have a lot of catching up to do! :)

  12. I want to read Saga so bad! Glad you liked the first installment!

    Have a good week! :)

    1. If you have access to a library, I would definitely try there for a copy of Saga. Hopefully you will have some luck coming across a copy!

  13. I really liked Stillhouse Lake too but that ending... Come see my week here. Have a great week!

    1. Ugh! That. Ending. She's a young adult writer, though. That's how it goes. That's how they hook you. I should have known! No, I couldn't have known. Ugh. :)

  14. Nice to be able to enjoy a week of mood reading which is always the best!

    1. YES! I'm going to try to carry over through August.

  15. I haven't seen any GoT. It's just not my thing. The old place is nearly ready. Meanwhile, we're happily settled in our temporary apartment. Come see what I'm reading

    1. I would think Game of Thrones wouldn't be a lot of people's thing. It just proves how many people don't know they love horror. Call it fantasy all you want - there's a lot of horror right there on the screen.

  16. Ooooh... The Red Wedding. Yes, that was tough. I hope you're loving GOT??? Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. I am loving Game of Thrones!! You guys are making me realize for all of my whining and complaining, I haven't actually said how much I'm enjoying being tortured and traumatized. LOL.

  17. I really need to start watching Game of Thrones, I'm super curious about the Red Wedding. And I'm a big fan of Saga too, such a good story!


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