Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23 | Currently Reading

Happy Banned Books Week everyone! Are you reading anything special this week for Banned Books Week?

It's rare for me to actually read and review a book within the same week, but I posted my review of What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang last week. I also posted my thoughts on The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan.

Last week I finished reading:

What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

In honor of Banned Books Weeks I'm reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. I'm also still following Gollancz's read-along of Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

I'm trying to keep my currently reading list small since Doctor Sleep by Stephen King arrives on my doorstep tomorrow! Hopefully I can knock out The Witch of Blackbird Pond by then so I can devote myself to Doctor Sleep.

Is anyone using BookLikes to track your books? A lot of folks decided to finally try it out after Goodreads deleted a bunch of shelves and reviews without warning last Friday. I'm not leaving Goodreads, but I'm giving BookLikes a try if you want to connect over there.

I'd love to hear what you are reading this week. Let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. Man BookLikes is so difficult for me to get used to... been using Goodreads for far too many years. I'm reading Banned Books in celebration this week! Knocking out a few that I've never gotten around to before... The Bridge to Terabithia, The Giver and I'm in the middle of The Things They Carried. I also read Child of God by Cormac McCarthy and I can see the issue with it, it's super graphic.. but I still don't agree with the ban.

    1. I think I could get used to BookLikes - it just doesn't seem to have everything I need. You know, like Goodreads does... :) I want to read The Bridge to Terabithia, too, but an old boss of mine gave me a copy that is packed away somewhere around here. I'm dead set on reading that copy so hopefully when I'm reunited with my books soon I will finally read it. I need to read The Giver, too!

  2. Funny you mention Booklikes, as I started to import my books from Goodreads to give the new place a try, and after 2 days it had only transferred 96 out of 531 books (the bulk of mine are just on a shelf, with no review). So, I just deleted that account to stick with Goodreads. I have no problem with GR because I don't name my shelves anything other than by their genre name. I don't have any beefs with authors, maybe because I don't read any books that I think will result in a one star review, and so have not given any poor reviews. I'm not being argumentative, just stating facts. Could be my computer, I don't know, but Booklikes is sooo slow, even just clicking on my tabs. I have the fastest internet service we can get now, so I don't think it is on my end. Hope you enjoy Booklikes, and are you having any trouble with it yet?

    Back to books, I reread A Time to Kill by John Grisham and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson for Banned Books Week. I have a challenge up offering a $10 Amazon GC to a random commenter on my Challenge post if you are interested.

    You're so lucky to get Dr. Sleep tomorrow! I couldn't preorder it as I spent too much on books last couple of months so I am trying to use restraint. However, I might break down and order it anyway :) Enjoy it!

    1. BookLikes was slow due to the mass exodus from Goodreads. I heard things sped up this afternoon, though.

      I wasn't violating the new policies so the mass deletion didn't affect me directly. For me, it has everything to do with the way Goodreads handled implementing the changes. On a side note, many users who were not in violation of the new policies did have things deleted without prior notice as well.

      You are lucky that you've never had the privilege of writing a 1 star review.

      I'm not enjoying BookLikes really. I'm just trying to give it a fair shake in case it has something unique to offer me.

      Ooh, I liked A Time to Kill. I miss my Grisham obsession. I haven't read him in so long now. I've never read Speak. I will have to check that one out.

      I preordered Doctor Sleep back in March. I'm so excited it's finally almost here! Maybe you can grab a copy from your library?

  3. Yikes, I am so far behind on your blog that I bet you're currently reading something else now. But I am really curious about your plan for Banned Books week, so I'll comment on this post and check out your more recent posts later too :).

    Is it rare for you to read and review a book within the same week because you like to read slowly or you have a schedule for the blog or? How was The Ocean at the End of the Lane??? I've seen so many blogger friends talking about Neil Gaiman's work that it seems impossible and strange that I have yet to read something by him. And especially that title, which I heard was a bit horrifying? I remember there being a child involved...

    A read-along! I haven't heard of either of the books you chose to read for Banned Books Week, but that's also because I'm terrible with these things too. And especially banned books. I didn't take a full look at the list, but I'd only heard of some of the more popular ones like Bridge to Terabithia. And John Green's work, etc.

    Sounds like you must have already finished Doctor Sleep by now too :) if you were really excited for that one to come. If not, then soon. I'll see after this post :D. This fits in with what you said about liking to read darker SFF right?

    I am using BookLikes but not so much. It's kind of one of those things where I have one because everyone else did because of the GR debacle, but I don't really use any of those sites a whole lot except to post reviews and mark 'to-read' which BL doesn't really allow for.

    Truthfully I don't think I'll be reading anything this weekend except the review titles coming up - Stolen History and Iron Traitor - because aaaaagh, I'm so behind on everything and I'm hoping to apply to graduate school soon. Soon because every time I say this fall people are like, well, wait isn't that now? And I still haven't started yet o.o.

    1. Haha. It's sad, but I'm totally still reading the same books!

      I failed on my own banned books plan, but I nailed it with the kids. :)

      I'm a slow reader, but I'm an even slower reviewer. It's rare for me to bust them both out in the same week. See what I mean - I still haven't reviewed The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I imagine I will do that this coming week, though. I'm pretty out of stuff to review. I'm not very experienced with Neil Gaiman either. A couple of things in Ocean were horrific, but it was a nice read and I didn't want it to end. The main character is remembering things that happened as a child. I think it is easier to handle to child-horrific when you know he made it and the adult is OK.

      I'm still plugging away at Doctor Sleep. I'm definitely not wanting to rush it. The Shining was one of the most important books of my childhood. I love darker anything. :D

      I don't care for BookLikes, but I know they are adding a lot of features. I've been using Goodreads for so long, I'll never leave unless they make me.

      Hey, I understand procrastination all too well! Good luck!


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