Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16 | Currently Reading

Happy Monday everyone!

The theme of last week at our house was make-up work and homework. My poor child studied until he dropped. We didn't get a lot of reading done, but I did manage to catch up on two reviews:

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

I'm in the middle of reading four really great books:

Kraken by China Mieville
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang

Much to my surprise, What's Left of Me is winning my attention right now. I also read about 35% of The Book of Lost Things by Cynthia Voigt before I decided it really wasn't for me. It's a wonderfully written MG book, but it wasn't enough of my style to keep me going.

Do you guys find yourselves in the middle of several books at once or are you strictly a one at a time reader? I would love to do one book at a time, but I often find myself split between audio, print, and an ebook (or two).

I'd love to hear what you are reading this week. Let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I go in streaks with reading several books and just sticking with one. Right now I have started two books. I just got the Neil Gaiman book on audio. Have a great week.

  2. I am really a one book guy. Otherwise my brain starts to wonder why Frodo isn't at the Museum with Holden.

    Currently reading The Golem and the Jinni. Interesting, even though it's not typical for what I read (or maybe because of that).

  3. I will read a few books until I find one that really keeps me and then I'll stick to that one until I finish!

    I've been meaning to read What's Left of Me so it's good to know it's a good one!

  4. Oooh you're reading all of those at the same time!? You go, girl! I used to read multiple books at the same time because I read faster when it's like that, but now, I seriously do not know what happened. I can't read multiple books at the same time anymore. It's really weird how my reading habit changed all of a sudden. Lol. I hope all of them turns out fantastic!


  5. I do the same thing! I usually always have an ebook, audio and print book going on. Usually more ebooks than one though because I tend to get bored and want to try something else. Rarely do I read a single book all the way through... I just can't stay focused or just can't be that absorbed in a book for some reason.

  6. I only read one book at a time. :)

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  7. THANKS for stopping by my blog. I have my review up for Burial Rites. I see you commented on it my blog.

    I LOVED it. It is the top review.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

  8. I usually read more that one book at the time. I own What's left of me but I havent been able to read it yet. Enjoy!

    Check out Our Monday Post

    Xoxo. Daisel @ Owl Always Be Reading

  9. I used to read one at a time but now with blogging I find myself reading two at a time occasionally. If somethnig doesn't really grab me I might drift off to something else. :) I'm curious about the scott Lynch ones...

  10. I'm monogamous!

    Have a great reading week,

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  11. You have some fabulous authors on your currently-reading list! I haven't gotten to these specific titles yet though. Enjoy your week!

  12. Why are you so surprised that What's Left of Me is winning your attention? Is it not your typical book? I haven't heard of the others you're reading o.O but I hope they turn out to be great reads for you! (Well, minus the Voigt book.)

    I... am in the middle of several books. Not books that I'll review for my blog - those I can only read one at a time because otherwise I don't feel that excited about the book. But books that I've bought to advance my own education? In the middle of a lot of them o.o. I'm not split by audio/print though as it sounds you are.

    1. I've been in a fight with YA dystopia for over a year now. I was reading some really fantastic books at the same time I was reading What's Left of Me. I didn't expect the YA dystopia to be pulling out front in the lead. :)

      That's so awesome you are reading a bunch of... nonfiction?... to advance your education. I'm a fan of nonfiction. I don't read nearly enough of it. If you are reading fiction, though, that sounds rough. Haha.


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