Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sept. 22 - Sept. 28 | Notable New Book Releases

This week was crazy awesome for new releases. SO MANY BOOKS. In an effort to show them all, I'm going to skip posting the book descriptions for each of them this week. The image will link to Amazon.

These are the new releases that caught my eye this week:

Did any of these books make it on to your shelves or your wishlist this week? What did I miss? Be sure to let me know what books you were excited about this week!


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  1. Super excited for Steelheart and Not a Drop to Drink. And of course Doctor Sleep. I started it last night on audio! :)

  2. I have a few of these all lined up! Doctor Sleep of course, and I just got a copy of Shadows as well. I do want to read Vicious, and then there are a few that I have ARCs of still... so much to read!


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