Sunday, September 29, 2013

Banned Books Edition | Storybook Sunday

In honor of banned books week, I picked up a few banned books from the library to read with my kids.

In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak

My kids absolutely loved In the Night Kitchen. In the Night Kitchen was banned because the little boy in the story is entirely naked. This is what brought the most giggles and glee to my little boys. They could relate to Mickey, and it's silly for a little boy to go on an adventure without his clothes.

We also had a great discussion on whether Mickey was dreaming or not.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

This wasn't the first time we've read Where the Wild Things Are. In fact, my 6 year old seemed like he's maybe had enough while reciting the words along with me from memory. We are going retire Where the Wild Things Are for a while.

This book has been regularly banned because the boy has horrible behavior and the mother sends him to bed without his dinner. This is apparently psychologically damaging to the children reading the story. Thankfully my kids are unscathed and have not yet required therapy from this book.

Crow Boy by Taro Yashima

Crow Boy was my favorite of the banned books we read, but only for the discussion it created with my kids about bullying. I didn't like the book itself much. I wasn't a fan of the artwork, the print was teeny tiny, the story was very odd, but the discussion with my kids was priceless.

Some other books we read this week that were not banned books:

We finished our read-aloud of the first Hank the Cowdog book. I love Hank the Cowdog so I was really happy at how well my kids took to the first book. I was hoping to find a change of pace for our next book, but they are insisting we read the second Hank the Cowdog next.

The House in the Night was a beautiful book. I can see why it is a Caldecott award winner.

I hope everyone had a chance to read a banned book last week. Either way, I'd love to hear what you read during the week. Let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Teach Mentor Text's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA.


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  1. I always like to do something to observe Banned Books Week on the blog, but alas, I was too disorganised this year. I love how much attention it got on the blogs I follow, though. It sounds like you and your kids had some great books together. The cover of The House in the Night is gorgeous and that alone makes me want to check it out.

  2. Gage is not interested in Where the Wild Things Are at all. Tonight I made it page 4 before he walked away :(


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