Saturday, August 31, 2013

Most Anticipated September 2013 New Releases

It's been a while since I've written a post about the books that are catching my eye. I miss those posts so today I present to you my most anticipated new release books of September 2013 along with my thoughts on why I want to read them.

More Than This by Patrick Ness
September 10

Could I love A Monster Calls any harder? No, I could not. Why have I still not read another Patrick Ness book you ask? Scared maybe, but I will. I promise.

I don't know much about this book since I plan to read it no matter what it's about. I've been peeking through the reviews, and I'm definitely skipping the blurb.

The Thicket by Joe R. Lansdale
September 10

I'm so crazy pumped Lansdale wrote a book set in the big thicket (my backyard!).

It sounds like a dark coming of age story, and at this point I'm pretending it was written just for me.

Sign of the Throne (The Solas Beir Trilogy #1) by Melissa Eskue Ousley
September 14

I'm just going to check these items off of the good-to-have-in-YA-dark-fantasy list:
  • chick with a destiny to fulfull ☑
  • mysterious boy who is a lost heir ☑
  • dark lord ☑
  • magical kingdom ☑
  • blood thirsty monsters ☑

Help for the Haunted: A Novel by John Searles
September 17

John Searles’s Help for the Haunted is an unforgettable story of a most unusual family, their deep secrets, their harrowing tragedy, and ultimately, a daughter’s discovery of a dark and unexpected mystery.

That ^.

The One-Eyed Man: A Fugue, With Winds and Accompaniment By Jr. L. E. Modesitt
September 17

Dude, look at that cover. Those things in the sky are skytubes: "gigantic, mysterious airborne organisms that drift like clouds above the surface of the planet". The main character is a doctor studying the skytubes' ecological role on that planet. I'm naively hoping for some scary science on this one.

Steelheart (Reckoners, #1) by Brandon Sanderson
September 24

Steelheart is the start of a new YA series. The folks in Steelheart have superpowers and someone is out for revenge, but I won't say why even though it is on the blurb.

I'm already hearing excellent things about this book. I loved Brandon Sanderson's The Rithmatist so I'm believing every word of what I'm hearing.

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis
September 24

First of all - STAND ALONE dystopian YA. OK, you know what, no first of all. That is it. STAND ALONE dystopian YA. That is why I want to read it.

So apparently there is no water in this dystopian world, but home chick MC has a pond. I'm thinking if she still has a pond, she must also be a badass. Just thinkin'.

Doctor Sleep (The Shining, #2) by Stephen King
September 24

Doctor Sleep is Stephen King's follow-up to The Shining.

I have no words. No words. I lie. I actually have too many words for this post. I will be reading this 100% absolutely so you can have all of my words during my review.

I wish I had some vacation time; I'd totally take off the next day since UPS doesn't arrive at my house until late in the evening anyway.

Sky Jumpers by Peggy Eddleman
September 24

I already mentioned my excitement for this one in my Waiting on Wednesday wishlist post.

The kids on the cover are cliff diving into a band of air, and I absolutely must read about it and live vicariously. There's also some plague stuff going on so yay for viruses, too. We all have strange things that excite us, yes?

A Cold Season by Alison Littlewood
September 24

This has been on my wishlist since the 2011 UK release. I originally wanted to read this because I haven't read any great books where folks get snowed in aside from Stephen King's The Shining. Now I'm nervous because I realize there is a young boy involved, and I can't read the things I used to be able to read when it comes to children.

I do have an ARC of A Cold Season so I will definitely give it go and see if I can handle it.

Additional books releasing in September you may be interested in reading:

Someone please tell me what is with that Peter Crowther cover? A little part of me is dying inside.

What did I miss? What are you most anticipating reading in September? Let me know in the comments!


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  1. The Shining is not my favorite King, but I am curious about the sequel!

  2. I'm SO looking forward More Than This...but it's because I actually perused the blurb - and the reviews of course ;). I haven't read anything by Ness before, but this one is screaming "readmereadmereadme" all along!

  3. More Than This was FANTASTIC. Big wow. Also really looking forward to The Thicket, Help for the Haunted, Steelheart, Not a Drop to Drink and of course Doctor Sleep. I'm really looking forward to the new Woodrell coming out this week and of course the new Atwood. There seem to be a ton of great new releases in September!

  4. I just finished Coldtown and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to start Steelheart...and I have so many others my brain is swimming!


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