Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12 | Currently Reading

I think the fact that the year is now half over is what's giving me the "I must read all the books!" panic again. This year I've been enjoying reading what I want when I want, but next year I need to plan to read a few of the books that truly haunt me from the bookcase.

Last week I posted my review of Nancy Bilyeau's excellent historical thriller The Crown.

I finished reading Red Hill by Jamie McGuire and Hounded by Kevin Hearne. I'm still mulling over my thoughts on Red Hill, but Hounded was definitely a fun read. I decided to DNF The House of Secrets by Chris Columbus & Ned Vizzini. I think a lot of kids will love it, but as an adult I just wasn't feeling it.

I'm currently reading The Troop by Nick Cutter. How could I pass up a book that scared Stephen King? It's a disturbing book for sure.

I hope everyone is having a peaceful end of summer. I'm so jealous of everyone on twitter who already has their school shopping done! I'm always a last minute gal, and we aren't prepared for the new school year at all.

Let me know what you are reading this week or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. The Iron Druid Chronicles is a fun series. I've never read a Stephen King novel simply because I don't like horror.suspense . Oh well. Enjoy your books and have a great week!


  2. I heard The Troop is very intense! I see Stephen King loved it, probably a good thriller/horror for sure. Enjoy your week reading.

  3. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on Red Hill. I agree, Hounded is a lot of fun and it gets better as the series goes along

  4. The Troop is so scary sounding!! And I agree, if it scared Stephen King...

    Hounded is definitely going on my list! It had me at Celtic Druid. Lol.

  5. I can't wait to see your thoughts on Red Hill, I was debating requesting that one but still haven't made a decision on it. I can't wait to read The Troop, I've heard such great things about it!

  6. I was intrigued by House of Secrets in the bookstore, cool name and all,but looking through it... just wasn't sure. Your DNF'ing sorta validates that for me. :)

  7. The cover for The Troop is gorgeous but if it scared Stephen King it sure as hell isn't meant for me! I hope you enjoy it though!

  8. Scared stephen King - I remember seeing that in an NG email - I hope you are loving it! Red Hill looks good.

  9. A book scared Stephen King? Well you have me curious now! I hope it's not just a marketing plot >.<


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