Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday | Sky Jumpers by Peggy Eddleman

This post is being shared as part of Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday.

Sweet merciful heavens I want to be a Sky Jumper! I cannot get past this cover and how awesome it would be to cliff dive into the Bomb's Breath like these badass cover kids are doing.

Sky Jumpers (Sky Jumpers #1)
by Peggy Eddleman
September 24th 2013 by Random House Books for Young Readers

12 year old Hope lives in White Rock, a town struggling to recover from the green bombs of World War III. The bombs destroyed almost everything that came before, so the skill that matters most in White Rock—sometimes it feels like the only thing that matters—is the ability to invent so that the world can regain some of what it’s lost.

But Hope is terrible at inventing and would much rather sneak off to cliff dive into the Bomb's Breath— the deadly band of air that covers the crater the town lives in— than fail at yet another invention.

When bandits discover that White Rock has invented priceless antibiotics, they invade. The town must choose whether to hand over the medicine and die from disease in the coming months or to die fighting the bandits now. Hope and her friends, Aaren and Brock, might be the only ones who can escape through the Bomb’s Breath and make the dangerous trek over the snow-covered mountain to get help. For once, inventing isn't the answer, but the daring and risk-taking that usually gets Hope into trouble might just save them all.

OK, so the dying from disease or at the hands of bandits doesn't sound as insanely awesome as the cliff diving, but I am totally joining Hope, Aaren, and Brock on their trek for help!!

What about you? Would you jump into a deadly band of air like these kids are doing? I cannot wait to read all about it.

Do you read Middle Grade books? What are you anxiously awaiting this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!


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  1. This does sounds really good. And I love that it is Middle Grade too. Nice pick.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  2. Oh my gosh what a cover! I love Middle Grade books so I'm all over this :). Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica @ Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile

  3. I haven't seen this one before but it sounds interesing. MG aren't my usual read but I can give them a try.

    Here's our wow

  4. I haven't heard of this one but it sounds great. I always love books that pique my interest yet the kids can read as well.

    Here's my WoW pick for this week.

  5. This is a new one, but sounds like a lot of fun! Middle Grade can be such fun reads, will definitely check this one out. :)
    My WoW Pick!

  6. This book sounds awesome!! Just heard about it recently and I am SO there when it comes out.

    (My WoW)

    Nikki @ There were books involved...

  7. This sounds really good. My son isn't MG quite yet, but I think he might like to read this! Nice Pick :)
    New Follower <3!
    Beth | The Reading Vixens [Formerly YA Vixens]
    Vixen's WoW!
    Enter our FIRST OFFICIAL GIVEAWAY @ The Reading Vixens!!

  8. oh wow, this sounds pretty cool. I have read a few awesome MG books lately, I love how they aren't so romance heavy and rely more so on the plot. Great pick!

    1. Yeees. I'm feeling exactly what you are saying. :) It makes for a tighter story, me thinks.

  9. The blurb on this one is awesome and you know I am always up for a fun middle grade. Don't love the cover on this one though. It just doesn't do much for me. I think I might try to read it though!

  10. This sounds really cool! I wasn't attracted by the cover but the synopsis sounds really interesting!


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