Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! | Reading Resolutions

Happy New Year! I hope everyone is looking forward to this new year as much as I am.

Reading Resolution

Every year I set reading goals for myself, and I'm super excited about my plan for this year: to have no plan! I had a rough year in general last year. Combine that with pregnancy brain, and I just wasn't able to read as much as I would have liked. I'm slowly getting my brain and my reading mojo back, and I plan to spend a lot of time reading strictly for pleasure. I plan to have no idea what I'm reading next until I pick it up and dive in.

GoodReads Challenge

Since the plan is to have no plan, the only challenge I'm joining this year is the GoodReads Reading Challenge. I'm in for my normal goal of 50 books for the year. [Are you on GoodReads? Let me know so I can add you as a friend.]

Happy New Year!

I hope this is a spectacular year for each of you!!

Do you set reading resolutions? What are your goals for this year?


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  1. Happy New Year Jennifer, hope you have a great year.

    1. Happy New Year to you, Marce. I hope you have a great year as well!

  2. Hope you have a really great year, Jennifer.
    Andrew (The Man Eating Bookworm)

  3. Good luck on your goal this year! I love the Goodreads challenge, I just wish I'd been tracking books read my whole life, but I didn't start keeping a written record until 2008. I fortunately have a job and a commute to work that allows me to read quite a bit.

    1. That would have been cool to always have a log. I've thought about logging what my kids read, but I haven't done it.

      That's really great that you have a job where you can read!

  4. The plan to have no plan is a great idea! I think you are off to a great start. Lol. Happy New Year!

  5. That is such a great plan! I have upped the number of books I plan to read and am going to try to read outside of my comfort zone. Should be an interesting year.

    1. I look forward to seeing you read out of your comfort zone. You may discover something you love!

  6. That is such a great plan! I have upped the number of books I plan to read and am going to try to read outside of my comfort zone. Should be an interesting year.


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