Monday, September 17, 2012

Currently Reading | Incarnation, Blackwood, Seed

Happy Monday! Things are getting hectic for me again, but I'm finally back into my reading groove. I finished reading Blackwood over the weekend so I should have a review up later this week.

In the mean time I'm reading Incarnation by Emma Cornwall. I'm a sucker for anything Dracula related. I'm planning to post a giveaway of Incarnation tomorrow so be on the look out for that.

Once I finish Incarnation I may finally start Ania Ahlborn's Seed. It's been on the pile forever, and I'm in the mood for a good horror story.

Pregnancy insomnia has been tormenting me so I've been listening to audio during the night when I can't sleep. Right now I'm listening to Alice in Wonderland mostly because Jim Dale is my favorite narrator but also because I was able to snag it free from Audible. (If you "buy" any of these free Kindle books, you can also get the audiobook free from Audible as part of Amazon's Whispersync for Voice promotion. Unfortunately it looks like Alice may no longer be available, but there are a lot of other great ones still available.)

I hope you guys have a great week. Be sure to let me know what you're reading!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. Love the cover of Incarnation. Sorry for the insomnia -- I'm getting the menopause variety so I know it's no fun at all.

  2. Pregnancy insomnia, poor site. It does pass but not fast enough. :-)

    Have a great week.


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