Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Hop: Real Life Book Relationships

Today's Follow Friday question over at Parajunkee's View is:

Do you have anyone that you can discuss books with IRL? Tell us about him/her.

Yes! My closest book pals are my mom and my grandma.  They taught me to love books and introduced me to some awesome authors and genres at a young age.  Now I repay them constantly with recommendations.  They pay it forward by passing those recommendations to their bookish friends.  I love hearing when people call my mom and ask "What is your daughter recommending?".  I just love that.

I use WeRead on Facebook to chuck books at my bookish friends.  If I go too long, they will call and tell me they need some recommendations.  I could never grow tired of discussing or recommending great reads.

What about you guys? Do you have many real life folks that share your passion?

Book Blogger HopJennifer over at Crazy For Books asks: 

Pick a character from a book you are currently reading or have just finished and tell us about him/her.

Before Leonora WakesI recently read a short book by Lee Thompson called Before Leonora Wakes.  It's a really great coming of age story about a 13 year old boy named Red.  He's a naive, innocent, and introverted boy.  The perfect character for a coming of age story.

Thompson has stated Red was based on himself at that age.  That's probably why Red is such a realistic character.  (And why I'm choosing him to share with you today.)

Do you find you connect best with a certain type of character?


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  1. Hopping through. It's so cool to have IRL book buds. My parents and I read some of the same books, but not a lot of overlap.
    My Hop
    Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynne Pike at my blog!

  2. I've never heard of WeRead. I need to check that out.

  3. Heya girl hope things are good with you :) , I haven't heard of Weread either.

    Follow Friday and Blog Hops

  4. Definitely checking WeRead out.

    That is so sweet that you're book pals with your mom and grandma. My dad got me into reading at a young age.

    I'm a new follower!

    I hope you'll stop by and check out my blog.


  5. Old follower just hopping by to say hi. My mom created the monster within me for reading. I haven't heard of WeRead either. I'll have to check that out.


  6. I haven't heard of WeRead either. Mind you wouldn't do me much good as I don't really have any massive book fans among my friends!

  7. Delphyne! Thanks for visiting me for the hop and chatting with you at BBP.I wish I could get my mom to read, my dad and I are the readers. :)

  8. Happy to hear you've established some street cred within your network! There is nothing better than someone asking for a book recommendation!

    Havea great weekend!

  9. Both my mom and dad love to read. They tried to get me to read when I was a child, but I wouldn't They used to tease me that I was adopted because I detested reading so much. Now, I love to read, but we don't like to read the same things, lol.

  10. It's always good to have someone to share your book with you.

    Stop and see mine and my giveaway.

  11. I'm glad you have people IRL who can talk books with you! I have a couple of friends and they're really great.

    TGIF!! Jess @ Gone with the Words

  12. Happy Friday!!! I am a new follower hopping through...Love your blog and look forward to following.

    Spell Checked by C.G. Powell

  13. You're so lucky! Nobody I know IRL likes to read!

  14. I usually talk to my mom and my sister about books even though they are not as into them as I am. New follower! Looking forward to reading your blog in the future. Have a happy weekend :)

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  15. Hi, Delphyne! Thanks for stopping by earlier. I am definitely a fan of the coffee/cupcake/book outings. We just had one yesterday and it was fun, as usual. :)

  16. Great post! I'm now following your blog :)

    Here's mine:

  17. I like books where the author uses himself/herself as the basis.

    Like your blog name...cute.

    Hopping by from the blog hop.


  18. Just stopping by via the hop! I am already a followe but thought I'd say hello!

    And the plot thickens...

  19. Hey Delphyne!

    Thank you so much for stopping by! You're very lucky to have someone to share books with IRL. Sadly, I don't really have anyone, but I've got tons of friends on the blogosphere so I'm thankful for that!

    New Follower!


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