Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog Hop: Judging a Book by its Cover

Today's Follow Friday question over at Parajunkee's View is:

Do you judge a book by its cover?

Yes! I try not to, but I'll be honest - I always do. If someone is willing to sacrifice the quality of the cover, they are probably also willing to sacrifice the quality of the content as well.

Have an awesome, awesome Friday! Do you judge books based on the cover?


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  1. Yes! I think we all judge covers to a certain extent -- some more than others. Happy Reading!

  2. Hi Jen, I am a new follower, nice meeting you :)

    I don't really know anyone who doesn't judge a book by its cover, it's just hard to pick up a book with a boring or cheesy cover! I do hate it though, when I get all excited to read a book with a gorgeous cover and then it turns out to be really crappy.

    This is my first Follow Me Friday, I just started a book blog a couple weeks ago- please feel free to stop by sometime and let me know what you think!

  3. Hopping through. Bad covers definitely make it hard to like a book.
    My Hop
    Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynn Pike at my blog!

  4. Hello! I am your newest follower now and I would really appreciate it if you came over to my blog to follow me back. :)

    Thanks and I hope you're having a wonderful evening! (^_^)

  5. I agree, I judge a book by its cover. New Follower :)
    Hope you have a great weekend

    Come check out my blog if you have time :)

  6. Good answer! Judging the cover of a book is the first step we take in the journey of reading a great book! Happy Reading!

  7. Thanks for the comment--following you now :)

    Have a great weekend.

    Barbara@Black, White and Read All Over

  8. Hi Delphyne! New follower here. Would love for you to follow me. Nice to meet you.

    For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb. If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book. I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them. Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my taste.
    Happy Follow Friday!!!
    You can check out my website and to see what kind of books I write.
    I have two other pen names,
    L.J.Leger -
    Jadette Paige - and

  9. Yes!!! I'm terrible at it!

  10. Yes, I often judge books by their covers, and I'm so glad when my old favorites get much-needed makeovers.

    I'm a new follower, and invite you to check out my sites and follow me as well.

    ps Thanks for fixing the spelling on the hop topic (it's vs. its).

  11. Hi Jennifer thank you for the follow via Follow me Friday I'm your newest follower (number 98!)


  12. That's actually a really good point! I had never thought of it that way.

    Happy Friday!

  13. Thanks for the Friday follow, I am following you too now.

  14. Oh it is such an interesting thing. Everyone does it but how much weight they give seems to be different all around.

  15. The cover invites you into the book.

    stop and see mine and my giveaways.

  16. I think everyone judges a book by its cover to some extent. But, I think there are those that do more than others. I'm more of an in between person. Pretty covers lure me to a book, but if the synopsis doesn't sound interesting, I won't read the book. And, I've read plenty of books with craptastic covers that have become a favorite.

  17. I've learned the hard way that the cover doesn't always make the book. I'm already a follower! My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews

  18. Just started following you today. Always great to find another book lover.

    I definitely judge books by their cover. I am more likely to pick up a book if I like the cover and I have even purchased books just because the cover caught my eye. Most recently I got Joan Frances Turner's DUST because I loved the cover art!

  19. I think we can all agree that even the most beautiful book cover can't sell a book if the writing's not there. Book cover art may, at best, help steer me in the book's direction (especially if I'm in a book store) but it's not going to hypnotize me into buying it right then and there.

    I expound on all the marketing qualities of a good book. Just follow me back to my book blog -

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!?

    Howard Sherman

  20. Great answer! I totally agree. :) I sooo can't resist books with pretty covers! :)

  21. New follower! I always judge a book by it's cover! I can't help it; I'm superficial like that, haha :) But a book is a book no matter what! Have a happy weekend!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  22. I don't totally agree that a book with a crappy cover means the author is willing to sacrifice quality- especially since authors have almost zero say over the covers, but I do wonder about a book that doesn't have a good marketing team/agent behind it. It might be a good story anyway. A cover is definitely an important part of getting readers attention and a bad cover is going to make me pass over the book and never even pick it up!

    Megan @ Read It, See It

  23. I think everyone I have met this weekend has said yes hehe! Honesty is best though and I do it as well hehe

    - Kylie

    GREAT blog BTW

  24. Precisely how I would have answered had I answered this week!


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