Oooh, nooooo. I'm in a reading slump. I'm flat not in the mood to read anything. I just want to do crafts and watch TV. Times like these make me feel like I have no business accepting review copies. Reading them right now would feel like a j-o-b and that's not fair to anyone.
So what am I watching? I'm watching a lot of YouTube as always. I'm also watching Ted Lasso, Ahsoka, and Only Murders in the Building. I finished the live action One Piece! I highly, highly recommend reading the manga before watching One Piece, but I'm so satisfied. They had to rush through a lot because it was 11 volumes of manga into only 8 episodes, but the major points were there and the most important scenes were there and my favorite line was there. I cried several times. There's a lot of manga action going on but it's also very heartwarming and I love it.
Posted Last Week
I posted my Top Ten Tuesday on the Horror Spotlight blog along with the team's picks. You can check that out there - Fall 2023 Releases on Our TBR.
Currently Reading

Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison - I started reading this and not much is happening yet 60+ pages in which did not help the slump. I don't want to put it down (it was my most anticipated book of the year) but I'm also not inspired to pick it back up 😠I hope it's just me right now.
Hide and Seeker by Daka Hermon - This is a reread, and I'll probably read on this some more today.
That's it for me today! I didn't finish reading anything, and I didn't get anything new, but I'm hoping to get inspired by you all today!
This post is being shared as part of The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz, Book Date’s It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.