Sunday, March 5, 2023

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | March 5

Hi, reader friends! I'm still struggling with not being able to read so once again I finished no books, but I'm about to load up Stardew Valley and an audiobook for my morning while my family sleeps in!

Stardew Valley

Last week was Read Across America so I featured some kidlit on the blog. If you need some fun, spooky kid novel recommendations, I've got you covered below!

Posted Last Week

Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn

Book Review | Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn
⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - a great ghost story for middle grade readers.

Best Middle Grade Horror Books

Top 21 Middle Grade Horror Novels! - Believe it or not, this is a narrowed down list!

Currently Reading

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty - You guys, I love this book so much. SO. MUCH.

House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland - The first time I read this I dnf'ed it, but it was selected as this month's readalong pick for the Horror Spotlight discord group. I'm remembering why I dnf'ed it. The second time is not the charm, but I'm going to read a chapter a day because I am, in fact, curious as to what happens.

Added to the TBR

Book Lovers by Emily Henry Beach Read by Emily Henry

Book Lovers and Beach Read by Emily Henry - I'm branching out a bit with these two. I hear Emily Henry writes mature characters who communicate with one another so I'm thinking her flavor of romance is what I'm looking for. I need a lot more cozy in my life, and I have high hopes for these. I couldn't decide which one to get and my ten year old who is wise beyond his years said "Why don't you get both?" He was right.

This post is being shared as part of The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz, Book Date’s It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I passed on The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi for BOMC in March, and now I'm wishing I hadn't. Fortunately, I've requested it from the library. Thanks for sharing your two-thumbs-up.

    Read Across America was always such a fun event when I was a school librarian. It's wonderful to get kids revved up about reading.

  2. I've been playing Stardew Valley and I've been really enjoying that game! Glad that you are playing it too!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  3. I actually did say "wow" when I saw Henry's books up there. I have been a fan of hers since the beginning. Have you read any of her YA? I think I agree with what you heard with respect to those two, though People We Meet on Vacation was probably my favorite. Have fun in Stardew Valley.

  4. I'm glad you're enjoying the books you're currently reading. I hope you're able to finish them and that they help you out of your slump. I've been in a slump too. Although, I did finish a couple books this week. I'm hoping March will be better. Good luck!

    My Sunday News

  5. I've been in a reading slump these few weeks myself. The Emily Henry books look good, enjoy them!

  6. I really liked Beach Read and Book Lovers! I hope you end up enjoying them, too. :D

  7. Stardew Valley looks so fun. I love a game you can just chill with.

  8. I'm a fan of Emily Henry. I hope you enjoy them. I don't read as much contemporary romance as I used to read. I want realistic characters. These are good ones.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. The Emily Henry books look good. I've been tempted to buy them more than once but the height of TBR mountain is keeping me from pushing the "buy now" button. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  10. Possible duplicate comment- I thought I commented yesterday. anyway Stardew Valley looks fun- I love relaxing games like that.

  11. I also want to read the Adventures of Amina Al Sirafi!

  12. I hope it is good. I haven't been reading a lot lately either.

  13. Your ten year old made me chuckle and great wisdom there too. Hope you enjoy them.

  14. I've read and enjoyed both of the Emily Henry books. I like your ten-year-old's advice!

  15. I have heard nothing but good things about The Adventures of Amina Al-Serafi. I'm looking forward to your thoughts!

  16. I've heard amazing things about S.A. Chakraborty's novel and with your reaction here, I assume that everything I've heard is actually true! Happy reading! :D


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