Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Most Anticipated Debut Novels of 2023

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a "freebie" so I'm taking this opportunity to share the 2023 debut novels that I am most excited to read. Please check them out and let me know if any of these are on your radar!

Bad Cree by Jessica Johns The Hunter by Jennifer Herrera The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz

Bad Cree by Jessica Johns - "In this gripping debut tinged with supernatural horror, a young Cree woman's dreams lead her on a perilous journey of self-discovery that ultimately forces her to confront the toll of a legacy of violence on her family, her community and the land they call home."

The Hunter by Jennifer Herrera - "A riveting atmospheric suspense debut that explores the dark side of a small town and asks: How can we uncover the truth when we are lying to ourselves?"

The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz - "The Plot meets Please Join Us in this psychological suspense debut about a young author at an exclusive writer’s retreat that descends into a nightmare."

Weyward by Emilia Hart Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova Turtles of the Midnight Moon by Maria Jose Fitzgerald

Weyward by Emilia Hart - "Weyward is a stunning debut novel about gender and control – about the long echoes of male violence through the centuries. But more than that, it is a celebration of nature, female power and breaking free."

Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova - "A “wholly unique” and “uncompromising” literary horror debut about a boy who transforms into a monster, a monster who tries to be a man, and the people who love him in every form he takes - Eric LaRocca

Turtles of the Midnight Moon by Maria Jose Fitzgerald - "A heart-pounding mystery with a hint of magic, María José Fitzgerald’s debut novel explores the power of friendship, community, and compassion to unite all living creatures."

American Mermaid by Julia Langbein Chlorine by Jade Song House of Cotton by Monica Brashears

American Mermaid by Julia Langbein - "A brilliantly funny and razor-tongued debut which follows a writer lured to Los Angeles to adapt her feminist mermaid novel into a big-budget action film, who believes her heroine has come to life to take revenge for Hollywood's violations"

Chlorine by Jade Song - "In the vein of The Pisces and The Vegetarian, Chlorine is a debut novel that blurs the line between a literary coming-of-age narrative and a dark unsettling horror tale, told from an adult perspective on the trials and tribulations of growing up in a society that puts pressure on young women and their bodies... a powerful, relevant novel of immigration, sapphic longing, and fierce, defiant becoming."

House of Cotton by Monica Brashears - "Sharp as a belted knife, this sly social commentary cuts straight to the bone, revealing the aftermath of the American plantation and what it means to be poor, Black, and a woman in the God fearing south."

The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown Chrysalis by Anna Metcalfe The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei

The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown - "Ness Brown's The Scourge Between Stars is a tense, claustrophobic sci-fi/horror blend set aboard a doomed generation ship harboring something terrible within its walls."

Chrysalis by Anna Metcalfe - "A spellbinding gem of a novel, this provocative debut follows a young woman whose bizarre metamorphosis poses vital questions about our modern, online existence."

The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei - "Yume Kitasei's The Deep Sky is an enthralling sci-fi thriller debut about a mission into deep space that begins with a lethal explosion that leaves the survivors questioning the loyalty of the crew."

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.


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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 29

Happy weekend to you all! 

My reading year has been not so great so far. I usually have the last couple of weeks off of work in December. I get rejuvenated and, in turn, January is usually my best reading month of the year. Unfortunately I got covid for Christmas. I didn't get to enjoy my holiday, didn't get to spend time with my kids, got really depressed, and got into a giant reading slump. Then last week we had a tornado and lost power for days and my reading has just been a huge struggle. My mind is a mess. 

So that's where I've been. I think I've finished two books in this whole month so far which I will list below (both 5 stars!). The good news is I started reading Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky yesterday, and I'm feeling less slumpy.

Posted Last Week

Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire

Book Review | Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire
⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - This is a reread review if you are interested in checking it out.

Bookish Goals for 2023 - Just a few goals for my 2023 reading year.

Finished Reading

One Piece, Volume 9: Tears by Eiichiro Oda Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

One Piece, Volume 9: Tears by Eiichiro Oda ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - If I had noticed the name of this volume was Tears I might have been prepared. This one got me 😭

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - This was a reread in preparation of Hell Bent. I'm so glad I reread it because I had forgotten a lot!

Currently Reading

Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky One Piece, Volume 10: OK, Let's Stand Up! by Eiichiro Oda Write for Life by Julia Cameron

Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky - I'm loving this so far. Since it's a scifi novel, I wasn't expecting it to be creepy, but here we are!

One Piece, Volume 10: OK, Let's Stand Up! by Eiichiro Oda - Just more One Piece. My happiness continues.

Write for Life by Julia Cameron - Not loving this, but I am really appreciating how similar her writing process is to mine.

Added to the TBR

City of Last Chances by Adrian Tchaikovsky The Unknown by Algernon Blackwood The Dismembered by Jonathan Janz

City of Last Chances by Adrian Tchaikovsky - In a wonderful twist of fate, I was offered a review copy of City of Last Chances by Adrian Tchaikovsky. I was wanting to read a lot of Tchaikovsky this year, and now I can include his latest! City of Last Chances releases in the US in May so stay tuned for my thoughts.

The Unknown by Algernon Blackwood - I love weird fiction, and I love Algernon Blackwood! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Handheld Press for offering me a review copy. I had no idea this had been published, and I can't wait to share my thoughts on it.

The Dismembered by Jonathan Janz - The beautiful Erica Robyn sent this to me. I won it in a giveaway on her blog. If you aren't following Erica - please go fix that: Erica Robyn Reads.

Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo

Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire - This probably needs no introduction here on my blog. Lost in the Moment and Found is the latest Wayward Children book. I'm currently rereading them all from the beginning so as soon as I'm done with the last few - I'll read the new one!!

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall - I'm such a huge fan of Kate Alice Marshall. I cannot wait to read this. I'm definitely doing 2023 wrong having these last three books still on my TBR without having read them immediately.

Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo - I'm ready! Let's do this! If you know, you know.

This post is being shared as part of The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz, Book Date’s It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Review | Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire

Source: personal purchase. This is a review of my reading experience.

Down Among the Sticks and Bones is the second book in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire.

Twin sisters Jack and Jill were seventeen when they found their way home and were packed off to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children.

This is the story of what happened first…

Jacqueline was her mother’s perfect daughter—polite and quiet, always dressed as a princess. If her mother was sometimes a little strict, it’s because crafting the perfect daughter takes discipline.

Jillian was her father’s perfect daughter—adventurous, thrill-seeking, and a bit of a tom-boy. He really would have preferred a son, but you work with what you've got.

They were five when they learned that grown-ups can’t be trusted.

They were twelve when they walked down the impossible staircase and discovered that the pretense of love can never be enough to prepare you a life filled with magic in a land filled with mad scientists and death and choices.
I didn't write a review the first time I read Down Among the Sticks and Bones, and I'm having the same struggle after rereading it. It's hard to put into words the things that Seanan McGuire is able to capture in the Wayward Children series.

Down Among the Sticks and Bones tells the story of Jacqueline and Jillian, twins who eventually find their doorway to the Moors after being born from horrible, self-serving parents and raised by their grandmother. We first meet Jack and Jill in Every Heart a Doorway (book #1 of the series), and Down Among the Sticks and Bones is their backstory.

Down Among the Sticks and Bones is a dark story in the dark world of the Moors, but the true beauty of Down Among the Sticks and Bones is the portrayal of gender roles. It's so heartbreakingly relatable. If you aren't reading this series, I really can't recommend it enough.

4/5 stars

Update: Turns out I did post some quick thoughts here after reading it the first time.


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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Bookish Goals for 2023

My goals this year are short, but below is an honest look at my 2023 reading plans.

Read Books When They Arrive

Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, Megan McDowell (Translator)

I always fail at this goal, but it's probably my #1 goal for 2023. If I preorder a book or request it from my library, that means I want to read it above all else. So why do they go unread? (This goal is going to be in direct conflict with my next goal.)

Mood Read

The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang Jade City by Fonda Lee

I've been doing a lot of mood reading lately, and it's the best. I really wouldn't have it any other way, but like most of us, I commit myself to book clubs and readalongs and against my better judgment review copies. I want to commit to continued mood reading in 2023.


Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch The Princess Bride by William Goldman

I've also been rereading a lot lately, and I want to keep rereading old favorites especially via audio when I'm super busy.


The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan We Spread by Ian Reid The First Binding by R.R. Virdi

I am already a big library user, but I have a tendency to use my library for digital copies of the books I have purchased. I love going back and forth between audio and print. I'd like to go just digital more this year, but that's a big struggle for me so we'll see how this one goes.

That's it! I'm just hoping to read the books I'm most excited about in 2023.

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2023

I love reading TBR lists, and I can't wait to see what everyone is looking forward to reading in 2023. Below you will find the books I'm most excited to read in the first half of 2023! I didn't include Brandon Sanderson's secret project novels because they are trying to keep the covers, titles, blurbs, etc. a secret so just know I'm very excited for those as well.

Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall

Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo - I loved Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. I'm excited to see what happens next.

Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire - This is the 8th book in the Wayward Children series. I love this series so these books are always a highlight for me.

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall - Not only is this a new Kate Alice Marshall book, it's an adult thriller!

Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, Megan McDowell (Translator) A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty

Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, Megan McDowell (Translator) - I can't wait to get my hands on this chunky epic horror.

A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon - Speaking of chunky books - I haven't read The Priory of the Orange Tree, but I might read this prequel anyway.

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty - Pirates on the high seas?! Yes, please!

American Mermaid by Julia Langbein A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune

American Mermaid by Julia Langbein - This is a debut novel that sounds like a wonderful read.

A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher - I want to read everything T. Kingfisher releases.

In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune - The same goes for T.J. Klune. I need feel good fantasy in my life at all times.

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin The Only One Left by Riley Sager The Reformatory by Tananarive Due

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin - I loved The Passage, and I'm super curious about this one.

The Only One Left by Riley Sager - I can't help it. I'm a sucker for Riley Sager releases.

The Reformatory by Tananarive Due - Yay! A new Tananarive Due!

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.


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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Favorite Books of 2022

It's the best time of the year when we get to share our favorite books! Below are my absolute favorite books of 2022 in reverse order of when I read them.

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - Piranesi was my favorite book of the year. It took almost the entire book for me to fall in love with it, but it turned out to be an absolute favorite.

These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall - Another gem from Kate Alice Marshall! These Fleeting Shadows was weird and romantic and heartbreaking, and I loved it.

Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey - Just Like Home was such a surprise! Now I need to read everything Sarah Gailey has ever written.

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher Sundial by Catriona Ward White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher - I had so much fun with this creepy retelling of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher.

Sundial by Catriona Ward - Sundial has solidified Catriona Ward as an autobuy must read author for me!

White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson - I need to read more by Tiffany D. Jackson because I loved White Smoke.

Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall Bad Witch Burning by Jessica Lewis Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko

Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall - It's no surprise to me that Kate Alice Marshall landed on my list twice!

Bad Witch Burning by Jessica Lewis - By far my favorite YA horror of the year! I LOVED THIS BOOK.

Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko - Ghost Girl was my favorite MG horror of the year. I highly recommend it!

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.


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