Sunday, December 4, 2022

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | December 4

I waded through my spam comments and released a bunch of comments that got caught. I'm so sorry if you got swept up in the spam filter - I was in there, too! Now how does that happen? My own replies went to spam.

We are having a great weekend. We spent the day at a museum yesterday. Then we took the kids out to eat and looking at Christmas lights. We went to a street that goes way over the top. It's so magical!

by by by

Posted Last Week

These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall What Lives in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney

Book Review | These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall

On My Wishlist | What Lives in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall

Book Review | Daisy Darker by ⭐⭐⭐⭐★

Finished Reading

Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier

Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - I tried to write some feelings here and it started turning into a full review so stay tuned for that soon!

Currently Reading

The Family Game by Catherine Steadman Writing Irresistible KidLit by Mary Kole

The Family Game by Catherine Steadman - The Family Game is the December pick for the Horror Spotlight readalong. It's a holiday themed psychological thriller so it's the perfect time to be reading this.

Writing Irresistible KidLit by Mary Kole - I'm loving this. It was written in 2012 so it's dated (which I expected) but I adore hearing industry people talk this way about YA and MG.

This post is being shared as part of The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz, Book Date’s It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Those Christmas lights are amazing. We used to have a neighbor who put up movable Christmas decorations in his upstairs windows and the people lined up for miles.

    I will never figure out how spam works or doesn't work. I did well with Disqus at first, but then all of a sudden I was besieged with awful spam and I had to put a cap on it.

  2. I liked Daisy Darker and The Family Games. Both are authors who don't let me down. Lovely Christmas decorations!

  3. Wow those lights! We have a huge display ($$$) right next to our neighborhood and I avoid the road in the early evening. It's the farm of a guy who sells all the lights like that. I'm glad to see you enjoyed Daisy Darker.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. That's so quite a spam filter. What are you going to do. I love the lights! That Grinch one is fabulous! Ghosts has been on my TBR forever. I will keep an eye out for your thoughts

  5. I have been having the same problems with spam! I check it pretty regularly, but then comments show up from weeks ago...and I have also found a few of my comments in there, I don't get it either, but maybe someone else can shed some light on it. Have a great week!

  6. Isn't that hilarious how our OWN comments on our blog can go to spam lol? And some people go all out for Christmas. It's fun to drive around and see them. :)

  7. Some of my own comments have been spent to spam on my blog, too. It's so crazy! But I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one. ;D

  8. Haha, Blogger's comment system is always on my nerves. It catches all the not-spam and lets tons of spam through. :) I hope you have a great week!

  9. Yep, my comments have been going to spam too. Love the pictures.


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