Tuesday, January 18, 2022

2021 Releases I Was Excited to Read But Didn’t Get To

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Heartbreak Bay by Rachel Caine Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

Heartbreak Bay by Rachel Caine

Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall

The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

Long Lost by Jacqueline West Survive the Night by Riley Sager The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

Long Lost by Jacqueline West

Survive the Night by Riley Sager

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

Billy Summers by Stephen King My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones The Hidden by Melanie Golding

Billy Summers by Stephen King

My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones

The Hidden by Melanie Golding


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  1. I still have My Heart is a Chainsaw to read...but then I still haven't read The Only Good Indians, so I should really hurry and read one so I know if I like his writing.

  2. I need to still read many of these, too. I did read The Final Girl Support Group last year and totally loved it. I was less enthusiastic about Sager's Survive the Night.

  3. I'm waiting for my copy of Shadow of the Gods in the mail, can't wait to read it. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/2022-resolutions-and-goals/

  4. I actually read SURVIVE THE NIGHT and THE HIDDEN last year. I didn't love either as much as I wanted to, but they both kept me turning pages. I hope you enjoy them and all the other ones on your list!

    Happy TTT!

  5. I haven't heard about any of these, but I've been away from the book scene for a while so it's not surprising. A couple of these have caught my eye so I'm putting them on my TBR. Thanks for the recs.

    Happy TTT

  6. I've not read any of these. I hope you enjoy them when you have time! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  7. I have not read anything from the author, but the Sager book is popping up a bit today.

  8. I don't recall hearing about Long Lost before, but that cover draws me right to it. It sounds good too! Adding that to my wish list. The Final Girl Support Group made me list today too. I had really hoped to get to that one this past year.

  9. Oh Rachel Caine... this reminds me I wanted to try her. Riley Sager as well.

    Love that cover of the Hidden!

  10. I just finished Wolfhunter River. I need to catch up!

  11. While not my genre of choice, I have heard good things about Final Girls Support Group.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  12. Oooh! All of these books sound interesting! Great picks!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  13. I've heard so many good things about The Final Girls Support Group. Nice list.


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