Sunday, January 3, 2021

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 3

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve/Day. My neighbors were over the top with the fireworks this year. I think everyone was so excited 2020 was over they all got carried away.

If you didn't see my most anticipated books of 2021 post last week, be sure to check that out. I'm already excited about 92 books coming out this year. 😳

Disney-Pixar Soul

We watched Soul last night, and I absolutely loved it. It was the perfect movie to start the new year.

Posted Last Week


Finished Reading

The Trials of Koli by M.R. Carey

I have just a few chapters left in The Trials of Koli by M.R. Carey so I'm including it here as I will finish it up this morning right after posting this. I'm loving this series. I think I liked this one even more than The Book of Koli, and I can't wait for the third book of the trilogy later this year.

Currently Reading

Fairest Flesh by K.P. Kulski The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson Helena Claire L. Smith

Each year the Ladies of Horror Fiction team challenges the community to select a horror book written by a women as their first book of the year. This year I chose Fairest Flesh by K.P. Kulski as my Ladies First pick.

I'm finally reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson! I've been trying to figure out when to commit to these books, and my friend Brad invited me to join him in reading them throughout this year so I jumped at the chance. We are reading two chapters a day so this one will take us into mid-February.

I also started reading Helena Claire L. Smith.

Added to the TBR

Sadie by Courtney Summers Lexicon by Max Barry The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang

Courtney Summers has a new book coming out this year that I'm excited to read, and since I've never read Sadie I am hoping to read it as well.

I'm hoping to read more scifi in 2021 so I got a copy of Lexicon by Max Barry as well.

After seeing The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang on so many best of lists, I had to grab a copy of the audio to see for myself!

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I really want to watch Soul, everyone is talking about it. I'm so excited for The Fall of Koli!!

    1. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I wound up loving it so much.

  2. Are you going to read Sadie or listen to it? I had read it, but heard the audio is great with how they worked the podcast in and all. My sister was talking about Soul (and some of the drama about it). She liked it too.

    1. Oooh. I was going to read it, but I guess I should get it on audio. I had no idea. Thank you for the heads up!

  3. I keep seeing Delia Owens, Leigh Bardugo, it's like they're hitting me on the head, shouting "read me !". Brandon Sanderson too. Enjoy your books and your week :)

  4. A lot of my neighbors went crazy with fireworks too.

    1. It sounds expensive to me, but I can certainly understand the need to celebrate.

  5. I want to read the Koli books and have the first one on hold at the library. I own the audio of Sadie but haven't listened yet. That's quite a post on 2021 books. I see several I look forward to reading. Happy New Year!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Sam just mentioned I need to go the audio route on Sadie. I had no idea!

  6. The Trials of Koli looks good. Hope you're having a good weekend!

  7. I can't believe I haven't read any Brandon Sanderson adult fantasy. I've read some of his kid books, and some of his science fiction. I need to get on that. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year

  8. I found Sadie to be a powerful story. I hope you enjoy it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  9. I've had Sadie on my TBR for a while...hopefully I'll get to it in 2021. Happy New Year!


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