Thursday, December 3, 2020

Book Review | Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

Ready Player Two is the science fiction sequel to Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

An unexpected quest. Two worlds at stake. Are you ready?

Days after Oasis founder James Halliday's contest, Wade Watts makes a discovery that changes everything. Hidden within Halliday's vault, waiting for his heir to find, lies a technological advancement that will once again change the world and make the Oasis a thousand times more wondrous, and addictive, than even Wade dreamed possible. With it comes a new riddle and a new quest. A last Easter egg from Halliday, hinting at a mysterious prize. And an unexpected, impossibly powerful, and dangerous new rival awaits, one who will kill millions to get what he wants. Wade's life and the future of the Oasis are again at stake, but this time the fate of humanity also hangs in the balance.

First of all, I enjoyed reading Ready Player Two.

I hated Wade's character in the beginning. That was really bumming me out, but Ready Player Two turned into a treasure hunt book with a countdown timer. Those are two of my favorite story elements so I was EXCITED. I loved the stakes of the countdown timer (as I always do), but treasure hunts should take a long time. Cline got that aspect right in Ready Player One.

Here's the most important part, right? The references! There were a lot more music and movie references in Ready Player Two, and I was here for every single one them. They were written just for me.

This wasn't a perfect book, but neither was Ready Player One. It was fun and it was nostalgic, and I had a great time playing.

4/5 stars


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  1. My copy just arrived this week and I'm excited to read it. I'm glad it was fun, I live for all the pop culture references 😁

  2. I've been getting into science fiction more lately, so this series is really appealing to me. I'm glad to hear it was a fun read. :)

  3. I do love treasure hunts in books. And I thought Ready Player One was a fun, if imperfect, read, too. So I'll be reading this one at some point. Hopefully soon. :)

  4. I'm reading it now. I didn't like the beginning at all, it seemed like he was just setting it up to be the same as book one, but I'm about halfway through and it's become a lot more entertaining!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. I love your little skeleton statue. This sounds like an interesting book.

  6. I’ve only read the first couple of chapters but I’m glad to hear it’s still a great book!

  7. I can't wait to dive into this one!!!


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