Sunday, June 21, 2020

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | June 21

Happy Father's Day, and my love to anyone who is struggling today. ❤️

This past week was a rough week for me, but it was an amazing week for the Ladies of Horror Fiction team. Each year we team up with author Steve Stred to select a grant recipient to receive $100 toward their writing goals. This year author Laurel Hightower joined in so we could offer two grants. After we made the announcement, Andrew Cull, Sonora Taylor, S.H. Cooper, Ben Walker, Cemetery Gates Media, and anonymous donors jumped in, and we now to get to select TEN grant recipients this year! The horror community is such a wonderful and generous community. I'm so happy to be a part of it.

For more information and to apply for the grant: 2020 LOHF Writers Grant

Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas

We also selected the book for our July group read over on Goodreads!  We are going to be reading Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas if you'd like to join in.

Posted Last Week

Finished Reading

Category Five by Ann Dávila Cardinal Seeing Things by Sonora Taylor

I finished reading Category Five by Ann Dávila Cardinal. I'm really enjoying this series, and I hope it continues! ⭐⭐⭐💫★

I also read Seeing Things by Sonora Taylor. Ghosts! I love Sonora Taylor's writing style. ⭐⭐⭐⭐★

Currently Reading

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

More ghosts! I am loving Home Before Dark by Riley Sager so far.

Recent Acquisitions

The Ghost Tree by Christina Henry Blacktop Wasteland by S. A. Cosby The Bright Lands by John Fram

Thank you to the folks at Berkley for sending me a widget to download The Ghost Tree by Christina Henry. I have a literary thing for both ghosts and trees so my expectations are way high for this one.

Many thanks to Flatiron Books for inviting me to be on the blog tour for the release of Blacktop Wasteland by S. A. Cosby. I am highly anticipating reading this one!

And thank you to Hanover Square Press for sending me out a copy of The Bright Lands by John Fram. This will be a perfect Friday night read.

Current Distractions

Ocean's Eight Knives Out The Lighthouse Inglourious Basterds The Theory of Everything

Are we friends on Letterboxd? Since I've been regularly rating movies on Letterboxd, I'll share them here, too.

Ocean's Eight ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - I enjoyed this much more than I expected.

Knives's Out ⭐⭐⭐💫★ - This was a rewatch for me. Daniel Craig's accent was much easier to handle not in surround sound this time.

The Lighthouse ⭐💫★★★ - My apologies to everyone who enjoyed this movie. It was so not for me.

Inglourious Basterds ⭐⭐⭐★★ - I really thought I had seen this, but I hadn't. My feelings are split down the middle on this one. It's typical Tarantino.

The Theory of Everything ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - This was my favorite of the week. Don't expect to learn much about Hawking's science, his work, or his methods. This is the story of the relationship between Jane Wilde and Stephen Hawking.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I just saw that Catherine House was buzzfeed books pick for July as well so I am going to have to check it out. I have the new Riley Sager book but haven't been able to start it yet.

  2. I have Catherine House on hold on Overdrive so hopefully I'll be able to read and join in on that! Have a great week and enjoy your new reads! :)

  3. It’s awesome that the horror people were able to give away so many grants. Writers are very kind. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. So much support! How wonderful! Sorry you had a rough week, though. Hugs!

  5. Sorry to hear you had a tough week. I hope the coming week is a better one for you.

  6. I'm sorry it was a rough week for you and hope things will improve. I enjoyed this week's rain and cool weather since our HVAC is out. I did more cooking and baking. Now it's getting HOT so I'm thinking salads. Take care and stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  7. That is so cool! And sorry it was a rough week, but the grant stuff is awesome. And I love the look of Catherine House.

  8. I just finished Home Before Dark and wrote out my review for tomorrow - I love a good haunted house story!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. I have been eyeing Home Before Dark, and I'm curious about Catherine House. Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  10. That's great news about the grant. How awesome! You guys are doing some amazing work. I have a hate/hate relationship with Sager. I really didn't like Final Girl but yet I keep picking up books by him. I've heard some great things about this one so I'm hoping my opinion changes. Everyone seems to love him so maybe that's why I keep on trying. I'm so jealous you have Ghost Tree.

  11. Great news about the grants. I don't read much horror but so many titles look interesting. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. Sorry your week was rough, hope it improves. Lovely news about the grants. I don't read horror, I am a wimp! I admire those who can and do.

  13. I love all the grants for writers! What great support. I still need to see Ocean's Eight.


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