Sunday, June 7, 2020

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | June 7

I'm sorry I missed out on posting an update and checking in last weekend. I spent the weekend at an (online) language learning conference which was really great. Since I write up all of my posts/reviews on the weekend, things have been super quiet around here. Hopefully I can catch up on things today!

Posted Last Week

On My Wishlist {31} - These are the books that have recently caught my eye.

Finished Reading

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson Status The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson Rated

I finally finished reading The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. I think I made that one last as long as I could! AAH, that series is so good! I'm not sure I've reviewed any of them so I may have to do a series review for the first Mistborn trilogy.

5000 Words Per Hour by Chris Fox Lifelong Writing Habit by Chris Fox Write to Market by Chris Fox

Is anyone interested in full reviews of writing books?

I picked up 5000 Words Per Hour after attending the Flights of Foundry conference. It's a short book without a lot of substance, but it had some great information on writing sprints that has been helpful ⭐⭐⭐⭐★.

I decided to continue on with the next book in the series Lifelong Writing Habit. There were a few more tips to keep the habit going that I found useful ⭐⭐⭐★★.

Despite knowing better just from seeing the title Write to Market, I decided I'd read book three. Yikes ⭐⭐★★★.

Currently Reading

Benny Rose, the Cannibal King by Hailey Piper Category Five by Ann Dávila Cardinal

This week I started reading Benny Rose, the Cannibal King by Hailey Piper and Category Five by Ann Dávila Cardinal.

Recent Acquisitions

More Better Deals by Joe R. Lansdale Home Before Dark by Riley Sager Seven Devils (Seven Devils #1) by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May

I keep forgetting to share books I've grabbed from NetGalley! Here are the latest:

More Better Deals by Joe R. Lansdale - Thank you Mulholland Books!

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager - Thank you Dutton Books! You will see this one again when my Book of the Month comes in.

Seven Devils (Seven Devils #1) by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May - Thank you DAW!

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson

I ordered the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. I'm contemplating reading them over the summer before book 4 is released.

Current Distractions

Jumanji The Next Level The Lovebirds A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Uncut Gems Shirley

These are the new movies we watched this week. The stand out was The Lovebirds. I highly recommend it!

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. That online conference sounds really interesting. I took three languages in high school, and continued studying two of them in college. Love learning languages!

    1. Language Learning fascinates me. The conference was really great. I think they are going to add an online conference every year now. I hope they do!

  2. My daughter would love some language learning. Robin is our expert on Sanderson. I've bought several of his books but haven't gotten to them yet. We all can only do what we can right now.

    Happy reading! Stay safe and well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. Thanks, Anne. I have quite a few unread Sandersons.

  3. Benny Rose The Cannibal King has a good cover. I like it.

  4. I've been meaning to read Sanderson for years but can't seem to make the time for those giant books anymore! :(
    Enjoy your new reads!!

    1. This Sanderson took me forever! It does make it hard to pick them up. They are so good, though!

  5. I have never read Sanderson! I should do that over the summer- I love reading big doorstopper fantasy this time of year. Hmm not a bad idea... :)

    The writing books look interesting too. I'd definitely be interested in reviews of those. It's nice to know if something is a great resource or not.

    I need to try Riley Sager one of these days too.

    1. I'm always in the mood for a big fantasy in the summer, and then it's so hard to commit because... summer. LOL

  6. Benny Rose looks great and I really want to read Seven Devils. Lots of good books and man, I struggled to do a wrap up last week too. Must have been in the air. Hope you have a great week!

  7. I am eyeing Home Before Dark. Enjoy your books and your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to read Home Before Dark. I usually like his books.

  8. I watched Jumanji: The Next Level over the weekend. Totally made ma laugh. :D And your two current reads look deliciously creepy. Happy reading.

  9. It’s been a lot of years since I read a writing book, so I’d be interested in hearing which ones are worthwhile. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I've always enjoyed reading writing books. I don't write as much as I'd like to, but I really enjoy learning about it. :)

  10. Looks like you have some good current distraction reading. Wow all those books on writing!

    1. To be fair, they were short writing books, but I was on a kick. :)

  11. Good luck with catching up on things & happy reading!

    1. Thank you! It really hasn't been happening the last couple of weeks, but the world is on fire.

  12. My whole family enjoyed Jumanji - The Next Level :) I'll have to check out Lovebirds and see if it might be something we'd like. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We did, too! I hope you wind up loving Lovebirds. :)


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