Sunday, May 10, 2020

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | May 10

Wishing you all a Happy Mother's Day today. Like every day for the last two months, I'll be spending it at home. We bought a hammock for my Mother's Day this year, but my middle child has been spending all of his time reading in it so it's basically his hammock at this point. 😊

Posted Last Week

May Plans | Wyrd and Wonder

Book Review | The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League by Anika Orrock ⭐⭐⭐★★

May 2020 Book Releases in Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, and Thrillers

Finished Reading

Alien: Mar de Pesares by James A. Moore 4 Star Rating The Girl and the Stars by Mark Lawrence 3 Star Rating

Alien: Mar de Pesares by James A. Moore - I'm loving the Aliens series. I don't normally like full cast audio, but they are perfect for my spanish listening.

The Girl and the Stars by Mark Lawrence - I enjoyed this one, but I think I'm a bit of a black sleep here because I didn't love it. I'll have a review out for it soon.

Currently Reading

#CurrentlyReading Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo #CurrentlyReading Blood Countess by Lana Popović

I'm buddy reading Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo this week with Tracy, and I'm loving it.

I started reading Blood Countess by Lana Popović last night, and so far I'm hooked!

Recent Acquisitions

After reading and loving The Apocalyptic Mannequin, I needed a lot more Stephanie Wytovich in my life so I ordered Hysteria, Brothel, Mourning Jewelry by Stephanie M. Wytovich, and Sheet Music to My Acoustic Nightmare.

My preorder of Fractured Tide by Leslie Lutz arrived! I can't wait to read this one!

I also bought The Girl Beneath the Sea by Andrew Mayne and The Return by Rachel Harrison.

On audible, I purchased the audiobooks for The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson and A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I still haven't finished The Girl and the Stars, but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who didn't love it. I hope to dive into Ninth House by the end of the month😁 Happy Mother's Day!

    1. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Ninth House! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. The cover on The Return caught my eye. Enjoy your reading, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I really enjoyed the Girl and the Stars but I had read the related trilogy. I LOVED Ninth House.

    I wonder if we would use a hammock. Our neighbors have one and they do.

    Happy Mother's Day! Take care and happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I didn't read the related trilogy first, and from what I'm hearing after the fact, it would have been better.

  4. I've read a couple of James A Moore books. Glad to hear you liked that one. Have a great week.

    1. I have a copy of his books, but this may be the first one that I've read.

  5. Happy Mother's Day! I love the hammock idea--and know how tempting it would be for a child. :-) Hopefully your son will let you use it a little today.

    I hope you are enjoying your current reads and love your new books. Have a great week. Stay safe and well.

    1. He did let me use it! But my other two kids promptly kicked me out. LOL

  6. Yeah for a buddy read, and even better that you are enjoying it. I have not read that book, but I have enjoyed other books by Bardugo. Her writing is fantastic.

    1. I have some of her other books, and I can't wait to finally pick them up!

  7. Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have a good one. Fractured Tide I think is going to be my next read. Looks great!

    Good luck getting some hammock time lol. :)

    1. Happy Mother's Day! I was planning to read Fractured Tide next month, but it is seriously calling to me!

  8. Glad your hammock is being put to good reading use (at least by someone!). :-) Happy Mother's Day!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Ha! Right? It's definitely not going to waste. :)

  9. I hope you had a happy Mother's Day! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Ninth House!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Thank you! I hope you had a great Mother's Day as well!

  10. Hope you had a great day!!

    My husband loves Sanderson. And The Girl Beneath the Sea looks good!

  11. I've had Ninth House for a while. I should read it for review in June because I have lots of openings on the calendar. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. Do you find audible worth the price? I'm considering starting to listen to audio books but haven't taken the leap yet. I hope you can stop by:


    1. If you are able to get audiobooks through your library, I would start there. If you find you love listening to audiobooks, it's definitely worth it.

  13. I liked The Girl and the Stars but I'm not overly anxious to continue on right now. I'm glad you enjoyed Mother's Day even if it was at home. We didn't go anywhere either and I'm okay with that. Hope you and your family are doing well!

    1. Yeah, it's hard to feel that pull to continue if you aren't really attached to anyone.

  14. Oh yay, I LOVED Ninth House! Such an incredible book! I just added Fractured Tide to my TBR list too. I hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    1. Yay!! Ninth House is amazing, and I'm looking forward to Fractured Tide. I hope you wind up loving it!

  15. Great to be having a series that you really like. Enjoy all those wonderful looking books.

  16. I hope you get to spend at least some time in the hammock!

    Wishing you a great reading week, stay well x

    1. Thank you! It's a dance for sure trying to get time in the hammock. LOL

  17. Oh! I have read "Blood Countess" recently and this was amazing, I loved each minute of reading and characters are awesome.

    1. What was your favorite part, customcollegeessays?


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