Sunday, April 19, 2020

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | April 19

I have lost all track of time!

Last night was the Bram Stoker Awards. Since StokerCon has been postponed, the awards were all virtual over YouTube. I was able to watch over Skype with some of my Ladies of Horror Fiction friends. The women kicked ass again this year in the Stokers.

Be sure to check out the winners.

Today is birthday day for my now 11 year old. There will be much needed cupcakes today.

Posted Last Week

I posted my ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ review of Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons.

I shared all of the April new releases that are on my radar.

I also posted my ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ review of Catfish Lullaby by A.C. Wise.

Finished Reading

Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons

Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons was really cute. My ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ review posted this week.

Lumberjanes: Pungeon Master (Lumberjanes #2) by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Brooke A. Allen Lumberjanes: Everything Under the Sun (Lumberjanes #3) by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Brooke A. Allen Lumberjanes: Robyn Hood (Lumberjanes #4) by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Brooke A. Allen
The Sandman: Sleep of the Just (The Sandman: Master of Dreams #1) by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth The Sandman: Imperfect Hosts (The Sandman: Master of Dreams #2) by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth Swamp Thing (1982-1996) #20 by Alan Moore

I've really been enjoying comics while in lock down. They are the perfect size for holding my attention.

Lumberjanes: Pungeon Master (Lumberjanes #2) by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Brooke A. Allen ⭐⭐⭐★★
Lumberjanes: Everything Under the Sun (Lumberjanes #3) by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Brooke A. Allen ⭐⭐⭐⭐★
Lumberjanes: Robyn Hood (Lumberjanes #4) by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Brooke A. Allen ⭐⭐⭐⭐★
The Sandman: Sleep of the Just (The Sandman: Master of Dreams #1) by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Sandman: Imperfect Hosts (The Sandman: Master of Dreams #2) by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth ⭐⭐⭐⭐★
Swamp Thing (1982-1996) #20 by Alan Moore ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Currently Reading

The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey

I'm currently loving The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey. I'll hopefully have a review out in the next few days.

Recent Acquisitions

The Girl and the Stars by Mark Lawrence The Guest List by Lucy Foley The Night Swim by Megan Goldin
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison The Fisherman by John Langan La guerra de los mundos by H.G. Wells

Many thanks to Ace for sending me a copy of The Girl and the Stars by Mark Lawrence! I'm really looking forward to starting this one.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley is my Book of the Month pick for April.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the ecopy of The Night Swim by Megan Goldin!

A few of the books I purchased from Audible: The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison, The Fisherman by John Langan, and La guerra de los mundos by H.G. Wells.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. How fun that you were able to catch the awards with some friends. The good things about tech! I hope you all enjoyed the cupcakes, and that your child felt celebrated. It's tough having a birthday in quarantine.

  2. I've heard really good things about The Fisherman, but I haven't bought a copy yet. I'm curious to see what you think of it😁

  3. Happy Birthday to your 11 year old. Enjoy all the cupcakes.

  4. You are so lucky you got The Girl and the Star!!!!

  5. I've seen good reviews for The Book of Koli. I have The Girl and the Stars to read and I plan to get The Guest List (hopefully on audio).

    Stay safe and have a great week! Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  6. I've never heard of the Stoker Awards but I love the name!

    Happy birthday to your kiddo! Quarantine birthdays must be tough for everyone but I hope it's still an awesome day.

  7. What a great haul! I'm off to check out those winners!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  8. The Stokers sound nice. I'll have to go look at the list of winners. And happy birthday to your 11 year old! Hope it was an awesome day. I love the look of the Lumberjanes- i've only read the first one but it was fun. :)

    Ooh The War of the Worlds looks awesome- I just started the new adaptation on Amazon PRime (only one episode in but so far seems okay).

  9. That's nice that you were able to watch the awards with friends over Skype! It's so important right now to stay connected any way we can.

    I read and enjoyed The Night Swim. It's a little deeper than I was expecting, in a good way.

  10. I have The Night Swim on my NetGalley stack...hope to love it. Enjoy your reading, and stay safe and well. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. Happy Birthday to your kid :)
    Your new books look interesting

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

  12. I know a number of people are missing book conventions. I watched Baen Books roadshow last night which gave me lots of new science fiction books to look for. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  13. I need to check out the winner's and put some on my TBR. I really hope you love The Guest List. I thought it was awesome. And such a quick thriller. The Lumberjanes always make me smile!

  14. I just now finished up the Stoker awards. They were so short but they did a good job considering the circumstances. I've never read Lumberjanes. Still haven't finished Saga yet. Maybe I should do that next.

  15. Hope the cupcakes were thoroughly enjoyed. Comics sound perfect for these times when reading seems to have challenged many of us. Take care.

  16. Happy birthday to the 11-year-old. I hope you’re having a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  17. I think my daughter and I both need to read Girls Save the World in This One. Sounds excellent :) Thanks for sharing!

  18. I hope you enjoy all your latest books - I've read a couple off there and enjoyed them. And hope your 11 year old has a lovely birthday - cupcakes always help with that of course, nom.
    Lynn :D


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