Thursday, March 5, 2020

Book Review | The Festering Ones by S.H. Cooper

The Festering Ones is a horror novella by S.H. Cooper.

The Festering Ones by S.H. Cooper

A monster lurking in the mountain.

A mysterious cult seeking a doorway.

An otherworldly evil waiting to be unleashed.

Faith York was a young girl when she saw her father dragged into the ground by a spider-armed woman, never to be seen again. Twenty years later, the events of that day continue to haunt her, and her need for answers has only grown stronger with time. After her estranged mother's death forces her to return home, old wounds are reopened and Faith finally decides to face her demons. What started as a search for closure soon pits her against a shadowy cult known as The Gathered and the eldritch beings they worship. With reality becoming more blurred by the day and the thousand eyes of an alien deity fixed on her, Faith must decide if the dark secrets of White Crow Mountain are really worth losing herself over.

I read The Festering Ones last month in celebration of Women in Horror Month (although every month is WiHM around here). It was such a perfect start to kick off the month.

The novella length is one of my favorite formats for a horror story. One of the complaints I often see regarding novellas is there's not enough time for development. The Festering Ones is a great example of how well a story can be developed in this format if it's done right.

I'm not even sure how to describe The Festering Ones, but if you like cults and monsters, this one's for you! I'm happy to hear there's going to be a sequel because I'm here for it.



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  1. Cults and monsters? I'm in! :)

  2. Definitely not my cup of tea, but I'm happy it was a winner for you! :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  3. A cult and eldritch beings sounds like a winner to me too. :)

  4. This sounds great and I love the cult aspect. Novella length books are perfect when you don't have a lot of time to spend reading. I'm checking this one out for sure!

  5. This sounds interesting lol! I will have to check it out.


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