Sunday, February 9, 2020

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | February 9

Happy weekend everyone! I am living in a flu house. I'm pumping my body full of fluids and prayers hoping I don't get sick. The good news is I have some down time this weekend to get caught up around the blog and with the TBR pile!

Posted Last Week

I posted my January 2020 Wrap Up.

I also posted my ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review of Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens.

Finished Reading

The Festering Ones by S.H. Cooper The Bride Test by Helen Hoang

The Festering Ones by S.H. Cooper ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - This was a fun horror novella. I'm kicking myself for not having written my review yet. I will get that done ASAP.

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang ⭐⭐⭐★★ - I read The Bride Test for book club. It was a really great book, but it was a romance and I have a heart of stone. I'll have a full review up in the next week or two because I do recommend it.

Currently Reading

The Boatman's Daughter by Andy Davidson Inside a Marathon: An All-Access Pass to a Top-10 Finish at NYC by Scott Fauble, Ben Rosario

The Boatman's Daughter by Andy Davidson - Andy Davidson is one of my favorites. I'm currently savoring The Boatman's Daughter.

Inside a Marathon: An All-Access Pass to a Top-10 Finish at NYC by Scott Fauble, Ben Rosario - This is basically a running diary between athlete and couch while training for the NYC Marathon and I'm loving it.

Recent Acquisitions

The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James The End of the Day by Bill Clegg Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons
Follow Me by Kathleen Barber Severin by Lydian Faust Poetry February 2020

The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James - I've decided to try out Book of the Month this year. I've been keeping an eye on it, and they've consistently had books I've bought or books I want to read in their selections so I'm giving it a go. For my January box I selected The Sun Down Motel.

The End of the Day by Bill Clegg - Thank you to Gallery/Scout Press for offering me a copy of The End of the Day. I'm hoping for a beautifully written mystery with this one.

Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons - Thank you so much to Philomel Books for sending me a copy of Girls Save the World in This One. I rarely put in a request for a review copy, but I had to review this one! It's a YA horror comedy, and I'm excited to read it.

Follow Me by Kathleen Barber - Gallery/Scout Press also sent me out a copy of Follow Me by Kathleen Barber. I'm looking forward to reading both this one and Truth Be Told (which was just made into a series) by Kathleen Barber.

Severin by Lydian Faust - Lydian Faust just released this scifi/horror poetry collection, and I had to order it!

Poetry February 2020 - I also received my February poetry book from the Poetry Foundation.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I really do need to find time to read Where the Crawdads Sings.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  2. "I have a heart of stone." Bwa ha ha! Love it. I can hardly wait to start The Boatman's Daughter😁

  3. I am sorry the Bride test did not work better for you !

    1. It's OK! It actually worked better than expected since it was out of my comfort zone.

  4. At first, I did a double take, when I saw TBT on your read list. You are a good book club member. I won't even join the one at my library, because they never read books I like, and I know my daughter passed one month, because she was not into what her group was reading. Heart of stone - totally made me giggle. Girls Save the World looks really good. I hope all your books are hits for you

    1. Hahaha! It's not my normal genre. But that's why I'm in book club. Too broaden my horizons. :)

  5. I rather enjoyed The Bride Test but didn't like Where the Crawdads Sing as much. Girls Save the World in This One looks and sounds fantastic! I hope you'll enjoy all these books!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I can see where Where the Crawdads Sing wouldn't be everyone's favorite even though I loved it.

  6. Girls Save the World looks interesting -I hope that works out well.
    The Bride's Test - I think I have a heart of stone too - although every now and again, mood being right and all the planets aligning just right - well, you never know.
    Lynn :D

    1. Yeah, I hear you. I like romance, but it needs to be in a genre book for me.

  7. I'm really excited for Girls Save the World in This One. It just looks like so much fun. :)

    1. I can't wait to read it! I don't think I'm going to get to it this month like I had planned. :(

  8. The Sun Down Motel was fantastic. The Festering Ones, looks creepy too! LOL on the heart of stone.🤣

  9. Looking forward to what you think about Girls Save the World in This One. I tend to stick to dark fantasy instead of horror, but if it's also a comedy, I'll have to check it out!

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing how the comedy blends with the horror.

  10. Oh no- hope you're able to avoid the bug! So much sickness floating around right now, seems like.

    The Sun Down Motel has definitely caught my eye, I think I'm gonna pick that one up.

  11. I hope you stay well. I enjoyed the Bride Test but I am getting more and more picky about romance these days. I'm into thrillers and I got Sun Down Motel for audio review.

    Have a lovely, healthy week. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I did manage to stay well! Oh, I can't wait to hear how Sun Down Motel is on audio.

  12. I tried to stay well when everyone around me was ill but it finally got me. Knocked me down for almost three weeks. I hope you avoid it! The Festering Ones looks good and creepy:)

  13. I hope everyone is feeling better! I did Book of the Month for a while and liked it but found I wasn't reading them right away so I put it on hold. I love your heart of stone/romance comment. We are an elite group huh?

    1. That is my concern with BoTM, too. I'm afraid it's going to happen even though I'm super excited about what I'm ordering.

  14. Yikes, I hope you are able to escape the flu. It is rampant this year. I hope you'll enjoy Book of the Month. I got a subscription for my birthday last year and so far I love it.

    1. Yay!! So far I'm two books in and haven't found the time to read either so wish me luck!

  15. Oh no, I hope you can avoid the flu. I have it right now... I've already missed two days of work and I have a feeling I'm going to need one more.

    I can't wait to see what you think of The Sun Down Motel!

  16. Looks like lots of reading to do ;) I loved Where the Crawdads Sing too. Have a great week!


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