Thursday, February 27, 2020

Book Review | Where the Woods End by Charlotte Salter

Where the Woods End is a middle grade horror by Charlotte Salter.

Where the Woods End by Charlotte Salter

In a forest filled with treacherous beasts, the thing to be most afraid of is closer than you think in this middle grade horror fantasy.

Kestrel, a young huntress, lives in a seemingly endless forest crawling with dangerous beasts. But the most dangerous beasts of all are the Grabbers—beings that are born when you are and stalk you throughout your life, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch and eat you. No one has ever defeated their Grabber once attacked, and those that die from accidents or other creatures are considered "lucky." Kestrel has been tasked by her mother, a powerful and controlling spell-caster, to hunt down the Grabbers in an effort to protect their village in the forest. Accompanied by Pippit, a hilariously bloodthirsty weasel, she hones her skills as she searches for a way out of the forest--and away from the judgmental villagers who despise her. But her own Grabber is creeping ever closer, and nothing in this forest is what it seems... including her mother's true motivations.

I picked up Where the Woods End after my friend Steve Stred sent me a picture and asked if I'd read it yet. We were pretty excited by the sound of it and decided to do a buddy read.

First of all, this book encompasses a lot of what I love about MG. It was so imaginative, and I was captivated by it from the start. Second of all, Where the Woods End is the creepiest middle grade horror I've ever read! For some kids it may be a little too creepy. For me, it was awesome.

I spent the majority of the book assuming it was an allegory that I wouldn't understand, but it all came together in the end. I loved it!

This was a perfect buddy read, too. Steve and I were constantly guessing and demanding answers. It was a lot of fun. Be sure to check out Steve's review, too.



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  1. What a cool idea, your own monster that stalks you your whole life. Cool and creepy!

  2. I don't know if I've read a middle grade horror but this one sounds fantastic!

  3. Sounds like a great read and I think there is always room for MG horror. Awesome cover too!

  4. MG horror - it sounds almost like a contradiction in terms doesn't it? after reading your review I would definitely read this. I shall go and look it up.
    Lynn :D

  5. Oooh! I'm adding this to my TBR right away!


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