Monday, February 17, 2020

Book Review | The Chill by Scott Carson

The Chill is a thriller by Scott Carson (aka Michael Kortya).

The Chill by Scott Carson

In this terrifying thriller, a supernatural force—set in motion a century ago—threatens to devastate New York City.

Far upstate, in New York’s ancient forests, a drowned village lays beneath the dark, still waters of the Chilewaukee reservoir. Early in the 20th century, the town was destroyed for the greater good: bringing water to the millions living downstate. Or at least that’s what the politicians from Manhattan insisted at the time. The local families, settled there since America’s founding, were forced from their land, but they didn’t move far, and some didn’t move at all…

Now, a century later, the repercussions of human arrogance are finally making themselves known. An inspector assigned to oversee the dam, dangerously neglected for decades, witnesses something inexplicable. It turns out that more than the village was left behind in the waters of the Chill when it was abandoned. The townspeople didn’t evacuate without a fight. A dark prophecy remained, too, and the time has come for it to be fulfilled. Those who remember must ask themselves: who will be next? For sacrifices must be made. And as the dark waters begin to inexorably rise, the demand for a fresh sacrifice emerges from the deep...

The beginning of The Chill had a wonderfully dark and creepy tone. It was awesome, and I was excited for the ride I was about to take.

Unfortunately, the first 20% turned out to be more of a hook instead of a promise. The Chill got bogged down in information and turned into an entirely different book.

The reviews have been great for The Chill so I think most people will be able go along with the turns and changes, but I am terrible with broken promises. The Chill weighs in at 450 pages. Combine that with the struggle of the story not matching what I expected it to be, and it just turned into a tough read for me.


Review copy provided by publisher


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  1. I just read another review today similar to yours, so I'm a bit worried about reading this now!

    1. Boo. I was hoping it was mostly just me. Maybe it will work better for you.

  2. I hate when books that are supposed to be super creepy and suspenseful bog down in the middle.

  3. Oh no! And I guess I didn't realize it was that long!

  4. Oh no, I was so excited to start this. Hmm, maybe the audiobook will be better (the format I have). Regardless, thanks for the review and the warning, I'll prepare myself.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Hopefully the audio will add an extra layer for you!

  5. Oh that's a bummer. That cover and premise definitely have me curious, but I'm a little concerned about it not being what you expected. I wonder if I might have the same problem with it. Good to know...


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