Friday, December 27, 2019

Lullabies for Suffering Preorder Promo

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas (if you were celebrating). If you are looking to fill up that new Kindle or spend some of that Christmas gift card on books (what else would you buy?!), Wicked Run Press is having a preorder promo on Lullabies for Suffering: Tales of Addiction Horror. You may remember me raving on Garden of Fiends quite a few times in the past. This is the follow up anthology, and I can't wait to read it! Lullabies for Suffering contains novellas and novelettes from Kealan Patrick Burke, Caroline Kepnes, Gabino Iglesias, John FD Taff, Mercedes M Yardley, and Mark Matthews.

I offered Wicked Run Press some space to promote Lullabies for Suffering and here are the details they provided (a chance to win a signed book from one of the authors!)

Lullabies for Suffering - Kindle and Paperback

It’s happening! 
is now available for presale for Kindle on amazon.

I’m incredibly excited to unleash this work onto the world. I can’t wait for readers to feast their eyes on these Novellas & Novelettes. The table of contents includes:

                    Kealan Patrick Burke                   Caroline Kepnes
                    Gabino Iglesias                              John FD Taff
                    Mercedes M Yardley                     Mark Matthews

“Why preorder?” You ask. Two reasons:

A:  Save off the publication price. Just $4.99 to preorder for Kindle. 

B: Win a signed paperback copy from one of the writers on the table of contents. Yep! Signed copies from randomly raffled off.
Here’s what’s waiting: 
Signed Paperbacks

“How to win?” You ask. Two ways:  

A:  Email a receipt of proof of a presale purchase of Lullabies for Suffering (either paperback or Kindle version) to with “contest” in the subject line.
(For best results, list your order of paperback preference, and 1st winner will receive top pick, 2nd winner will receive top available pick, etc..)

B: For an additional entry, send a screenshot of a Tweet, Facebook or Instagram post featuring this amazon link: with some variation of the phrase: “Come, listen to these Lullabies for Suffering” (or anything similar) (for a no-purchase necessary entry, simply email option B) 

Two ways to enter. Do one, or do both. 

Winners will be chosen at random on January 1st, 2020. Deadline is midnight on December 31st, 2019. Winning copies shipped shortly after.

There will be Six Paperback winners! 
Once again, Here’s what the treasure that awaits.

1. YOU, signed by author Caroline Kepnes
“Hypnotic and scary,” Stephen king said of YOU, now available as must-binge TV on Netflix. 
YOU, signed by author Caroline Kepnes

2. We Live Inside Your Eyes, signed by author Kealan Patrick Burke
His mastery of the short story is on display here, and this collection weaves the stories together with fantastic creativity. 
We Live Inside Your Eyes, signed by author Kealan Patrick Burke

3. Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love, 
signed by author Mercedes M. Yardley
The whimsical, dark fantasist writes love stories like none other, and her Lullabies for Suffering story takes place within this same universe and includes a cameo by Montessa and Lulu.
Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love,   signed by author Mercedes M. Yardley

4. Little Black Spots, signed by author John FD Taff (plus Book one of The Fearing)
Includes the Bram Stoker nominated story, “A Winter’s Tale.” You also get a copy of Book One of The Fearing (unsigned, but a must read) if you win this copy. 
Little Black Spots, signed by author John FD Taff (plus Book one of The Fearing)

5. Garden of Fiends AND All Smoke Rises, signed by author Mark Matthews (one copy of both)  
“Tense, imaginative, and empathic, Matthews is a damn good writer, and make no mistake, he will hurt you. ”–Jack Ketchum
Garden of Fiends AND All Smoke Rises, signed by author Mark Matthews

6. Coyote Songs AND Zero Saints, signed by Gabino Iglesias
Win a signed copy of both Zero Saints and the ground-breaking, mind-blowing, beautifully lyrical, Bram Stoker nominated, Coyote Songs. Enter now! 
Coyote Songs AND Zero Saints, signed by Gabino Iglesias
Two options to win. 
1. A presale purchase receipt, of either paperback or kindle.

2. A screenshot of a social media post which includes amazon presale link

Put “contest” in the subject line and email to:

Do one or do both. (For best results, list your order of paperback preference, and 1st winner will receive top pick, 2nd winner will receive top available pick, etc.. )

Deadline is December 31st, 2019, when the clock strikes midnight and the decade ends. 

Sorry, continental US only.

That’s it! Thanks for listening, and may the odds be in your favor.

If you've already preordered or plan to order Lullabies for Suffering, be sure to send in your proof by December 31st and good luck!!


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  1. I try to avoid suspenseful thrillers and scary stories, haha. I want to be able to sleep at night, without asking my kids to check under the bed for monsters. ;) This is a really lovely idea though, and I wish everyone the best of luck!!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ☃💬

  2. Ooh this looks amazing!

    Hope you had a fabulous Christmas!!


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