Monday, December 16, 2019

Book Review | Ormeshadow by Priya Sharma

Ormeshadow is a fantasy novella by Priya Sharma.

Ormeshadow by Priya Sharma

Acclaimed author Priya Sharma transports readers back in time with Ormeshadow, a coming-of-age story as dark and rich as good soil.

Burning with resentment and intrigue, this fantastical family drama invites readers to dig up the secrets of the Belman family, and wonder whether myths and legends are real enough to answer for a history of sin.

Uprooted from Bath by his father's failures, Gideon Belman finds himself stranded on Ormeshadow farm, an ancient place of chalk and ash and shadow. The land crests the Orme, a buried, sleeping dragon that dreams resentment, jealousy, estrangement, death. Or so the folklore says. Growing up in a house that hates him, Gideon finds his only comforts in the land. Gideon will live or die by the Orme, as all his family has.

I'm so happy I took a chance on this novella. After seeing Tammy's praise for it and finding out it was a coming of age story with dragons, I had to have it.

The dragon elements are light in Ormeshadow, but they are so beautifully done. Ormeshadow is a dark, folklore kind of fantasy story, but also beautiful and heartbreaking. There was the perfect amount of darkness balanced by the perfect amount of imagination.

Priya Sharma is now an autobuy author for me. I must have more of her stories.



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  1. Glad you loved it😁 It's pretty special, and I hope the author is working on her next book right now.

  2. Sounds like an author I need to try. :)

  3. I've been liking novellas lately, and the dragon elements definitely catch my interest.

    1. I love the novella format. I usually read horror novellas, but I have scifi and fantasy novellas in my favorites for the year so I definitely want more.

  4. A gorgeous, gothic novella about coming-of-age, tragedy, strength, and hope. With her lyrical prose, Sharma makes the English countryside come alive. Vivid, complex characters. Outstanding story!


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