Sunday, November 10, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | November 10

Hola todos. It's blogging day! This is the first weekend I've been home in... I can't remember. After the long, hellish week I just had, I was determined at all cost to be home.

I'm behind in NaNoWriMo, too, but I'm OK with that. I'm learning a lot about how and when I can write in my current environment which is progress.

There was a lot of misinformation being thrown around on twitter yesterday regarding FTC disclosures. I'm curious: what do you say in your reviews when you receive a book for review purposes? I always say "Review copy provided by ______".

The Goodreads Awards are live for voting. There are a lot of women horror/horror adjacent authors on the list this year. That was great to see!

Imyril and Dear Geek Place are hosting SciFi Month this month. I'm hoping to add in a scifi book or two this month.

Finished Reading

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead [dnf] - This was not my cup of tea. I made 35% and just couldn't go on. It's my book club's current selection so I have major guilt about showing up this week just to say it was an impossible task, but I don't want to use the only time I have reading something I don't like.

Coco by Walt Disney Company ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - It bugs me that "Disney Press" is the author. Every other publisher is able to credit novelizations. Anyhow, I'm trying to strengthen my Spanish listening skills so I bought the Coco novelization on audio. It's really good!

Currently Reading

I'm hosting a readalong of The Eye of the World on Instagram, and it starts tomorrow. I'm so sorry, I should have said something earlier. If anyone wants to jump in, please let me know and I'll get you added to the group. We are reading through the end of the month.

Recent Acquisitions

After falling madly in love with To Be Taught If Fortunate {review}, I bought Becky Chambers' Wayfarers series. And no, my books don't match. I bought the first book from Book Depository, the second book from Amazon, and the third book from 2nd and Charles because it was the most cost effective way to buy them. I'm trying not to let it bother me. :)

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Good luck with NaNo. Glad you are learning how to make it work. I hope you get the R&R you need this weekend. I am all about the lazy days. When I review an ARC, I just say "ARC provided in exchange for an honest review". I am such small potatoes, I don't think the FTC will come after me.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I hope the FTC has no need for us. There was a lot of talk about how people don't have to follow the FTC rules yesterday and *that* makes me nervous. No need to invite the FTC to step in and say otherwise.

  2. Now I need to hit up Twitter and find those posts. I say basically the same thing you do. Good luck with NaNo!

    1. As per usual after these shitshows, the original post has been deleted. You are good! I was just curious what language people use.

  3. I realised today I’ve read no sci-fi this year, I should squeeze something in soon.
    FTC doesn’t apply to me (different country) so I can’t help really but I just use “courtesy of”
    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. That's really great of you to be transparent even though you don't have to. I hope you are able to squeeze in some scifi this year!

  4. Good luck with NaNo! And yes I also say that "I got the ARC from ...via ...."!

  5. Ooooh The Eye of the World huh?? I've been meaning to at least try the first one for years. I might have to try to join. :)

    1. OMGosh, Bonnie, I meant to send you a message. I still will just in case.

  6. Best of luck with Nano. And I'm happy you have a weekend at home:) I usually state that I received a complimentary copy and my review is voluntarily given when posting review books that were provided to me.

    1. Thank you! :) Yes, I think it's important to disclose even though reviews are required.

  7. yes I have Review copy from and it might be the library or purchased or Netgalley or publisher. I hope you have a wonderful week and get to enjoy some of your new books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. That's really great that you state all of your sources. I only disclose publisher and author because I'm lazy and those are the only necessary ones. :) (And I do agree with them being necessary.)

  8. I missed the whole hoopla on Twitter (most of the time I do) but on the blog I site my source as: purchased, library lend or publisher. On Goodreads I say "A copy was provided by ---- in exchange for an honest review." Good luck with NaNo, and happy reading! :)

    1. There are a lot of things I love about Twitter, but I could really do without the toxic stuff that's goes on now. Oh, yeah, a lot of people put source, and I think that's a great way to do it!

  9. I was thrown off by the FTC tweets going around. I personally think it's good to have whether it's an FTC guideline or not. I was really surprised to see how many people tweeted to say that when they see those disclosures, that they think the reviewer is making it up! I can't even imagine doing that... It makes me curious if I have anyone that have read my blog posts and thought I wasn't being honest. That's one thing I really pride myself on! And even if I didn't LOVE the book, I'll rate it appropriately for myself but make sure to throw in a line that puts a positive spin on it, but that's all still honest. Oye!

    1. I agree with you that it is always best to be transparent. The reasons given to not follow the FTC guidelines were worrisome at best. Your intentions are in the right place, and I can't imagine anyone has wondered if you are dishonest. For the record, I consider you to be one of the honest reviewers.

  10. I love SciFi Month! And I really need to get over and vote on the Goodreads awards. I keep forgetting! Ack.

    Also I'm so glad you liked To Be Taught If Fortunate. I still need to read it but I love her books!

    1. I'm looking forward to reading Becky Chambers' other books soon. And yes, go vote!

  11. I must have missed the twitter drama. I just put a statement that I received a copy of the book from the publisher at the end of my review and indicate the source at the top. I love that you are listening to audiobooks in Spanish. Great idea!

    1. That is perfect! I don't think those tweets extended outside of the horror community. I love that you put both source and a review copy statement. I'm enjoying the audios that I'm listening to. I hope I continue to improve!

  12. I missed the FTC hubbub. I always disclose the fact whenever a book is a review copy though. And I stopped using the verbiage "in exchange for a honest review" a few years back, because that still implies tit-for-tat, and apparently that's iffy territory.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I agree completely. I've never used the "exchange" language because I'm not actually exchanging anything. I do, however, disclose that the book was free from the pub or author.

  13. I posted my blog policy stating that I only review books from my library or those sent me for free. I never accept money for reviews. I hope that's enough!

    1. According to the FTC, a blanket policy isn't enough because it's not likely to be seen by people who pop directly into your review. There should be some statement of source alongside your review. I personally do both just to try to cover my bases.

  14. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggled with The Underground Railroad. I was able to finish it but it was a chore.

    1. It was definitely a chore. I felt bad not finishing it for book club, but I just could not.

  15. Good luck with Nano! And yeah, that is not cool that the author is not published for CoCo! I wonder what the reasoning was.

    And I had not a clue about all this FTC thing! I usually disclose while I am reviewing but I don't know if I have a general statement somewhere. I should probably look into this.

    1. I don't know why Disney doesn't create individual writers. :( I suggest going over the FTC guidelines to make sure, but disclosing where you got the book with your review is what they require. You don't have to have a general statement, but it doesn't hurt. I do (on the sidebar), just as an extra precaution, though.

  16. Good luck with your writing. I don't think I'm gonna be able to work in a sci-fi book but I'll be reading everyone's reviews and more than likely adding to me ever-growing TBR.

    1. Yes, these months are so good for adding to the TBR.


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