Sunday, September 22, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | September 22

My best news since you saw me last is this little girl:

Moxie Puppy

This is Moxie. Her mom was a Texas Heeler rescue who had puppies. She's been such a cute addition to our home.

Finished Reading

I'm not going to post everything I've read since my last update so stayed tuned for a ton of catch up reviews! I've read some really amazing things lately. These are the last three books I finished this past week.

Violet by Scott Thomas Beloved by Toni Morrison Poetry Magazine September 2019

Violet by Scott Thomas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I loved this book.

Beloved by Toni Morrison [DNF] - Beloved was in my TBR jar this year. I was also reading it for this month's Ladies of Horror Fiction Readathon. By page 43 I was daydreaming about everything else I could be reading instead. I really wanted to finish it for the sake of having read it, but I knew I would be forcing myself to do so.

Poetry Magazine September 2019 ⭐⭐★★★ - I didn't connect with this month's book from Poetry Magazine. The field of poetry is so wide, it's bound to happen.

Currently Reading

Teeth in the Mist by Dawn Kurtagich Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary by Brandon Mull

Teeth in the Mist by Dawn Kurtagich - I have so much to catch up on around the house today. I'm going to be listening to the audio of Teeth in the Mist (this month's group read in the Ladies of Horror Fiction Goodreads group).

I'm currently buddy reading and loving the Fablehaven series with my son. I'm in book four Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary.

Recent Acquisitions

The Institute by Stephen King A Collection of Nightmares by Christina Sng Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

The Institute by Stephen King - I'm looking forward to starting this soon. I will probably wait until October, but I'm excited to read it.

A Collection of Nightmares by Christina Sng - A Collection of Nightmares is a horror poetry collection I'm looking to reading.

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager - I also ordered Lock Every Door. I wasn't a big fan of Final Girls, but I'm really wanting to check out Lock Every Door.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I'm so happy to see a 5 star review for Violet. It's on my list to read, even though I haven't had time to get to it yet. Moxie is ADORABLE!

    1. OMG, Tammy, I hope you love Violet like I did. I know you love character driven stories like I do so I have high hopes for you!

  2. My heart exploded see Moxie. She so cute!!! The DNF is balanced out by the 5-star read, so overall, not a terrible reading week.

    1. Thank you! I love her. Yes, I agree. The 5 star was so good, it was a great week!

  3. Moxie is SO CUTE! And that's an awesome name for her.

  4. Oh puppies are adorable! Hi, I've been seeing The Institute all over the place. I hope it's a good one.
    My Sunday Post

  5. OMG Moxie is just the most adorable puppy ever!!!!

  6. Great way to start a post! Beautiful puppy!
    I liked the ending of Lock Every Door. I'm also reading Teeth in the Mist but love the spooky visuals and neat formatting of the physical book!
    Have a great week!
    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Lit

    1. Ha! Maybe I should start all of my posts with one of my pets... :)

  7. Moxie is darling! I hope you post more pics of her. :)

  8. Moxie is adorable. We rescued a dog in July right when we bought our house (luckily with a fenced in yard). She was 1.5 so not a puppy which was great. She is a character and we love her so much. You have an interesting haul there - enjoy your reads! Have a wonderful week.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  9. Moxie is soooo cute! Animals bring such joy to life, congrats on the new addition to your family. :)

    I enjoyed The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sanger, but I haven't tried anything else by him. Hope you enjoy Lock Every Door.

    1. Thank you! I read Riley Sager's Final Girls and it was really a hit with me. I'm excited to try Lock Every Door, though.

  10. AWWWW puppy! That's so exciting! I'm currently reading Daughter of the Siren Queen AND Daughter of the Forest. I hope you have a great week!

  11. Your puppy is so cute! Sorry to hear Beloved wasn't a good read for you. I loved it when I read it but I know her writing style can be really hit or miss for people.

    1. Thank you! The writing style is definitely what wasn't working for me.

  12. Oh Moxie's a cutie! Congrats!!!

    I always thought the Fablehaven books looked fun. and Lock Every Door I kinda want to try too.

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  14. Awww, congrats on the new puppy! ADORABLE! And I'm hoping to read Violet soon, can't wait to hear what you think of it.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  15. Violet is new to me, adding to my wishlist. I DNF’d Beloved too.

    Have a great reading week

    1. I'm bummed about Beloved, but it happens. I hope you get a chance to read Violet and love it!

  16. Congrats on the new addition. :) I've yet to try anything by Riley Sager but I keep hearing amazing things.

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  18. Moxie is perfectly adorable. I can see why she's a great addition to your home. Makes me miss having a puppy around. We're thinking we may add one after the holidays. Cass so desperately needs a buddy.

    1. Thank you. Awww. I bet Cass would love to have a puppy.

  19. Oh my gosh that puppy face!!!! So super adorable!!!

    I am looking forward to reading the new Stephen King too. I LOVED Beloved when I read it. I should reread it again. And eek, Violet sounds so good and creepy!

  20. I hope you enjoy your reading this week. I tend to avoid horror stories but the Fablehaven books look good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  21. Congrats on the new puppy. The Fabblehaven series is a good one. My weekly update

  22. Ah Moxie looks absolutely beautiful and no doubt a little mischief will be done!

  23. What a cute puppy! I'm sorry Beloved didn't click with you -- I think you have to be in the right frame of mind. When it works, it's really good.

    I miss buddy reading with my boys! Enjoy Fablehaven

    1. Thank you! I'm sure you are right. I was just coming off my favorite read of the year so the stark change in writing was probably not a good thing.

  24. Awwwww puppy! So adorable! I know I enjoyed Lock Every Door. It was interesting. I hope you like it :)
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Thank you! I'm going to read Lock Every Door in October. I'm looking forward to it!

  25. Love that little Moxie face! I enjoyed Lock Every Door a lot. It was creepy and I never quite knew where it was leading. I wasn't expecting much because of the hype around this author but this was a good one.

  26. Oh my gosh!! Moxie is too cute!!! <3 Congrats on the new addition!


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