Sunday, May 26, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | May 26

Happy Sunday! Where did this month go?! We have officially closed out the end of the school year. This week was filled with awards days (don't get me started on those) and end of the year parties and early dismissals.

I'm so happy to have a long weekend this weekend. Do you have any plans? I have a weird sinus infection happening so I'm happy to stay in and just chill for a while.

Posted Last Week(s)

I posted my ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review of The House Next Door by Anne Rivers Siddons. Have you ever read anything by her? I'm super curious about her other novels. I don't think any of her other books are horror, but she did some brilliant things in The House Next Door.

Finished Reading

The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon - The week 3 discussion is live today over on the LOHF website. After we finished discussing week 3, we all immediately went into reading the last section because we all needed answers! I'll probably wait until the following week (once the readalong has ended) to get a review up.

Dinosaurios al atardecer (La casa del arbol #1) by Mary Pope Osborne, Marcela Brovelli (Translator)
Dinosaurs Before Dark (Magic Tree House #1) by Mary Pope Osborne - I was excited to find some Spanish editions of Magic Tree House on Overdrive. I know these stories pretty well from reading them to my kids, and they are highly readable in Spanish. If you are looking to practice your reading skills, I enjoyed making my way through this one last week. I found the translation really interesting.

Currently Reading

Wolves of the Calla (The Dark Tower #5) by Stephen King - I'm attempting Wolves of the Calla again. It's in the TBR jar this year, and I'm determined to move forward in my journey to the Dark Tower.

Recent Acquisitions

Diabhal by Kathleen Kaufman - Many thanks to Kathleen Kaufman for sending the Ladies of Horror Fiction an ARC of Diabhal. I'm also planning to read her previous release Hag this year because they both sound amazing!

Selected Poems of Edith Wharton by Edith Wharton, edited by Irene Goldman-Price - I couldn't help but request this book of poetry from Netgalley. Many thanks to Scribner for granting me access.

The Last Astronaut by David Wellington - I also recently requested The Last Astronaut on Netgalley. Thank you to Orbit books. The Last Astronaut is going to be the perfect change of pace for me.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Sinus infections suck! Hopefully you make a speedy recovery.

  2. Hope you have a great long weekend. I've noticed too that there are so many things going on now at the end of a school year lol, seems like. Super busy!

    I always thought the Magic Treehouse books looked fun.

    Hope you feel better!

    1. Thanks! The end of the year is always so crazy.

  3. I hope you are feeling better. At least the school year is through, and you have the 3-day weekend to recuperate. What a cool way to practice your Spanish. My daughter loved the Magic Treehouse books.

    1. We all loved Magic Treehouse, too. I'm bought to start reading them again with my youngest.

  4. I’ve read Saltwater Creek but it was a long time ago, and I don’t think I though much of it.

    Enjoy your long weekend
    Have a great reading week

  5. Oh yeah, I remember award nights! I hated them, and my kids are I were always so disappointed. Not sure if that's your experience or not, but it sounds like it...I missed your review of The House Next Door, I'll have to catch up😁

  6. Oh no, those infections are the worst! I hope you recover quickly!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  7. The Last Astronaut is one I'm really looking forward to!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. We don't break up for summer here in the UK until the end of July so I've got weeks to go before I can kick back. ;-)

    Any sort of sinus infection is horrible; how just breathing can hurt I'll never know. I hope it shifts soon.

    I hope you have a great week, Jennifer and enjoy your reads.

  9. Sorry about the sinus infection..they are the worst. I enjoyed Winter People. Hope the week ahead is good for you!

  10. So I'm pretty convinced I need Diabhal. It sounds awesome. I just added it to my wishlist. I've only read one Jennifer McMahon book - The Night Sister - but I really liked it.

  11. I hope you had a good holiday weekend and that the sinus issue didn't put a damper on it. I've never read anything by Anne Rivers Siddons, although she's an author I've wanted to try for ages.

  12. Ugh, sinus infections are miserable. I hope you're starting to feel better. I tried to read Winter People a while back and just couldn't get into it. I passed it on to my sister and she couldn't get into it. It definitely sounds like a great read-along pick, though!

  13. Oh my gosh, I LOVED the Magic Treehouse series!


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