Monday, May 13, 2019

Book Review | The House Next Door by Anne Rivers Siddons

The House Next Door is a horror novel by Anne Rivers Siddons.

Their lives would never be the same.

Colquitt and Walter Kennedy enjoyed a life of lazy weekends, gathering with the neighbors on their quiet, manicured street and sipping drinks on their patios. But when construction of a beautiful new home begins in the empty lot next door, their easy friendship and relaxed get-togethers are marred by strange accidents and inexplicable happenings.

Though Colquitt's rational mind balks at the idea of a "haunted" house, she cannot ignore the tragedies associated with it. It is as if the house preys on its inhabitants' weaknesses and slowly destroys the goodness in them -- ultimately driving them to disgrace, madness and even death.

I’ve had The House Next Door on my shelf seemingly forever, and each year I put off reading it. I’m so glad I finally took the time to give it a read. I loved it!

The House Next Door was not what I was expecting. Set in suburbia, it was a different take on the haunted house story.

I love what Anne Rivers Siddons did with the characters and the situations in The House Next Door. The lulls and the escalation of events in the house next door seemed so perfectly placed. She is a brilliant writer.

If you’ve been putting off reading this as well (or this is the first you are hearing about it), it’s definitely one worth checking out.



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  1. I'm pretty sure I've read this, but a long time ago, maybe?

    1. You probably did. It's been on my TBR forever.

  2. These does sound really good. Was this ever a movie? I'm thinking I've seen it somehow.

    1. It was a Lifetime-ish movie and they took out all the good parts and sanitized the story. It was so bland I wanted to cry.

  3. I tried to get this book from my library once, but they're only copy mysteriously disappeared 'in transit'. Ghosts, maybe? ;D

  4. I would really love to reread this on audio but can't find a copy. I need to complain to someone about that, lol.

    1. Oh, yeah. They really need to do an audio for this one! Complain to audible! We need a horror subscription service. They can start with this. :)

  5. I feel like everyone is reading horror stories right now, or at least spooky thrillers! I save anything scary for October and then I binge-read the creepy, haha. I'm glad this one worked for you!!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. It's always a good time of year to read something spooky. :) But October is a MUST.


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