Monday, March 18, 2019

Audiobook Review | Dead Moon by Peter Clines

Dead Moon is a science fiction/horror book by Peter Clines.

In the year 2243, the Moon belongs to the dead.

The largest graveyard in the solar system, it was the perfect solution to the overcrowding and environmental problems that had plagued mankind for centuries. And the perfect place for Cali Washington to run away from her past.

But when a mysterious meteor crashes into one of the Moon’s cemeteries, Cali and her fellow Caretakers find themselves surrounded by a terrifying enemy force that outnumbers them more than a thousand to one. An enemy not hindered by the lack of air or warmth or sustenance.

An enemy that is already dead.

Now Cali and her compatriots must fight to survive. Because if they don’t, everyone on the Moon may be joining the dead.

And maybe everyone on Earth, too.

I'm going to jump straight into the selling point of Dead Moon: zombies on the moon! Well, that and the fact that it was written by Peter Clines and narrated by Ray Porter. The only other Peter Clines books I've read are 14 and Ex-Heroes, but I loved them - especially 14.

Dead Moon is part of the same series as 14, but the Threshold series is comprised of stand alone books. They can absolutely be read independent of each other. (Some day I need to go back and read book 2!)

I don't have a lot to say about Dead Moon because it was mostly just fun action. There wasn't a lot of character development or anyone to really get attached to, but I still enjoyed the ride. The moon setting and all it entailed was the heart of what made this a unique zombie story, but I was happy to see another layer to the monster madness added in as well.

Dead Moon was a fun read that didn't require much effort on my part as the reader. It was just the right book when I needed it.


Dead Moon is available exclusively through Audible and is narrated by Ray Porter (one of the best in the business). You can check out samples of Dead Moon below:


Excerpt 1:

Excerpt 2:

Review copy provided by publisher


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  1. I've never heard of this, but I'm a fan of Clines so I'll have to check it out😁

  2. I've not heard of this author either but this could be a great starting point - by the way, I'm having trouble leaving comments on some sites so if you received two comments then apologies.
    Lynn :D

    1. I'm sorry you are having trouble with comments. Your comments always post OK, but my email notifications want to say you are spam. I wonder if you inadvertently made it on a list somewhere. :( I had to email askimet one time to be removed from their spam list. My wordpress comments weren't being allowed anywhere.

  3. Ray Porter is awesome! I'm definitely going to grab this one from Audible.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum


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