Sunday, February 17, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | February 17

I hope everyone had a great reading week this week. I had an excellent reading week with the exception of this huge mistake:

The next day I didn't have a chance to read at lunch so I forgot it again. I learned my lesson, and my current reads will continue to stay home from now on.

Posted Last Week

I posted my ⭐⭐⭐★★ review of Without Condition by Sonora Taylor.

Finished Reading

I finished reading Dead Moon by Peter Clines. ⭐⭐⭐⭐★

I also read The Nightmare Girl by Jonathan Janz. ⭐⭐⭐⭐★

Currently Reading

I'm back to reading the ladies!

The Ladies of Horror Fiction team is hosting a readalong of The Between by Tananarive Due. We are in the second week of the readalong, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm so glad I have a couple more Tananarive Due books on my shelf because I will need more of her writing after this one.

Finding Baba Yaga by Jane Yolen is written in verse, and I'm enjoying it so far.

I also started reading Collision by J.S. Breukelaar. So far the stories are strange and wonderful.

Recent Acquisitions

The Invited by Jennifer McMahon - Many thanks to Doubleday for sending me a copy of The Invited by Jennifer McMahon. This is supposed to be a "chilling ghost story with a twist". I'm here for it!

The Wolf and the Watchman by Niklas Natt och Dag - Historical fiction is a bit outside of my comfort zone, but The Wolf and the Watchman sounds amazing so I thank Atria Books for offering to send me a copy.

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn - I won a copy of The Woman in the Window from an Instagram giveaway. I need to finally see what the hype is about with this one.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Oh NO! I hate leaving my book someplace!! :( I can't wait to see what you think of The Woman in the Window. I didn't really care much until the end. Then I had to go back and reread it!

    Erica | Erica Robyn Reads

  2. I only read my physical books at home and ebooks out. I am so scared to leave them someplace lol.

    Have a great week, Jennifer! Happy Reading!

  3. The Woman in the Window got tons of excellent reviews so I hope you'll love it Jennifer!

  4. The Invited really looks good. All of the books on your list are intriguing. Hope you have a great week!

  5. I would have gone nuts had I left the book I was reading at work. At least if I leave my kindle, I could download from he cloud and read on my phone. With a physical book, no options. I had never heard of Baba Yaga until I read Vassa in the Night, and then retellings of the tale were everywhere. And now, you are reading yet another.

  6. Oh I hate it when I leave my book at work or somewhere. ugh.

    Hope you like the Woman in the Window!

  7. We've got some of the same books. And I've done that before. Left a book at work. I got so desperate I downloaded the ebook. Luckily it was a cheap purchase. The things we do for a great story. LOL

    My Sunday Post

  8. I'm not familiar with The Wolf and the Watchman. I like some historical fiction so maybe I'll look into it. I have the Baba Yaga book on request. I love that folklore. I've left books at work too. The worst experience happened though when my family had to give depositions years ago and my Mom started reading my Kelley Armstrong book while I was in with the attorneys - and left and took it home with her! I didn't see it until I ran to her house a week later.

  9. Leaving my book at work is my nightmare! I grabbed The Wolf and the Watchman too. It isn't my normal pick, but it sounds amazing!

  10. Yay, glad to see such a positive rating for Dead Moon. That one is definitely on my audio wishlist after I finish my current listen.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  11. I'm really curious about The Invited. The cover looks creepy!

  12. This weekend I read a cozy mystery for my Puppy Love Challenge and it was actually a good light read. Booked 4 Murder. The women in that book club are all very funny!

  13. Both Dead Moon and The Nightmare Girl look really good, as do the three books you just acquired. Looks like you have some happy reading ahead of you. :)

  14. You got lots of interesting books. I love the cover for Collision. I hope you're having a great week! Anne - Books of My Heart


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