Sunday, January 27, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 27

I was a terrible blogger and reader last week. It was one of those weeks where I was so mentally exhausted, I just wanted to curl up and watch TV at the end of the day.

Currently Reading

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn Easy Spanish Reader: A Three-Part Text for Beginning Students by William T. Tardy Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Harry Potter #2) by J.K. Rowling, Adolfo Muñoz García (Translator)

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn - This is such a unique read. I'm reading Geek Love with Bark, Cat, Emily, Toni, and Tracy. I love these ladies. If it wasn't for them, I'm not sure I would have read much of anything last week.

Easy Spanish Reader: A Three-Part Text for Beginning Students by William T. Tardy - This is the best Spanish reader I've come across so far. I read half of it last night, and I have easily understood everything so far. I highly recommend it if you are practicing your Spanish reading and want a confidence boost.

Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Harry Potter #2) by J.K. Rowling, Adolfo Muñoz García (Translator) - I'm also reading and enjoying the Spanish edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Recent Acquisitions

The Dark Game by Jonathan Janz The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish Black Wings by Megan Hart
Second Lives by P.D. Cacek Will Haunt You by Brian Kirk The Widening Gyre by Michael R. Johnston

A huge thank you to Flame Tree Press for sending me The Dark Game by Jonathan Janz, The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish, Black Wings by Megan Hart, Second Lives by P.D. Cacek, Will Haunt You by Brian Kirk, and The Widening Gyre by Michael R. Johnston. They have been so amazing to reviewers.

Current Distractions

I'm hoping to rewatch all of Game of Thrones before the final season starts.

I finished watching season 3 of Daredevil this week. I'm sad. They made some mistakes, but overall I really liked the series. I would have liked to have seen more. My biggest complaints about season 3 were the use of tropes I'm tired of seeing and trying too hard to be Jessica Jones.

I'm now watching season 2 of The Punisher. So far it's a pretty gory show.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. That is a huge pile of books from Flame Tree Press! Hopefully they will get you out of your slump. And wow, Geek Love! I feel bad that I've never read it. I'm looking forward to your review😊

    1. You need to read it. It is so dark and so unique!

    2. Geek Love is so hard to review! I will have a mini review up at some point.

  2. I'm planning to watch Game of Thrones again before the final season! I kind of want to be watching it all the time! I know what you mean about having that kind of week...that was me last week!

    1. Sorry you were having the same week. I'm loving revisiting Game of Thrones.

  3. I was a terrible blogger and reading the entire 2018. So a week isn't so bad lol :)
    I really need to rewatch game of thrones but I think I will wait until it is completely done.
    I have seen a few people watching Punisher and said the same thing. I think my husband would enjoy that show.

    You got some interesting books this week, I hope you enjoy them.

    Have a great week, Jennifer! Happy Reading!

  4. I often have days where I would rather just watch TV instead of reading. Sounds like you have some interesting books and shows to watch. Enjoy them and have a great week!

  5. Meh, we all have weeks like that... I've been like that a lot lately but last week was a bit better.
    A GoT rewatch seems to be on the cards for a lot of people. I'd love to do it but I don't know if I've got time. I'll probably just do a big rewatch once the final season is over.

    1. I started early so I would hopefully have time to fit them all in. I'm up to season 4 so I'm doing well!

  6. Ooh Geek Love looks fun. And I'm so glad Game of Thrones is only a few months away now. I'm kinda geeked we're going to get an ending, regardless of what happens with the books!

  7. I just read the description for Geek Love. What is with scary carnies? How awesome that you are reading in Spanish. I haven't read a book in another language since 1995. It was Der Richter und seiners Henker by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, and it was for my class, so it hardly counts.

  8. Wow! That's a lot of awesome books you got! I really need to watch the Marvel Netflix shows before they are taken down. It's sad that Netflix is cancelling them so soon.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. My hubs is hoping the Disney streaming service will somehow pick them back up, but I'm doubting it.

  9. Sometimes I don't have the mental energy to read either and just want to zone out with the TV.

    I watched a few episodes of The Punisher a while back and I agree, it is gory! Hope you feel less tired this week. Happy reading! :)

    1. Thanks, Rachel! I think I'm just burning myself out at work and at home. I'm trying to do all of the things.

  10. What awesome books this week. I still haven't read a HP book. Oh well maybe someday. I would like to read a Janz book too. Have a great week!


  11. I need to re-watch Game of Thrones, too. And I need to catch up on the books. I have a feeling that I’m going to be busy catching up right before the final season starts. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's definitely time to start rewatching and catching up! I need to try the books again.

  12. Oh, a rewatch of GoT before the new season might not be a bad idea on our end either. It would be nice to get a refresher. And it's always a shock to watch the first episode to see all the Stark kids so young and CLEAN! LOL.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  13. We all have weeks like that! I've done some reading, but also had the urge to just do nothing and watch some TV this week.
    Good luck on the GOT rewatch.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Maureen. Thanks to the reading struggles, I am moving along in GoT.

  14. I hope you enjoy your new books. They look a little scary for me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  15. My husband can never remember all the story lines.. I may need to suggest a rewatch for him. Looks like some good reads.

  16. Sounds like you are working so hard you deserve some curl up and view TV at the moment. Lots of interesting incoming books there.

  17. Sometimes you just need TV. We finished Season 2 of The Punisher Friday night. I'm so sad it's over. I really like all of the characters - well, except Billy, but I was always holding my breath over who would die next!

  18. I have yet to read Geek Love but I'd really love to get around to it one of these days! I just watched the first episode of season 2 of Punisher and yep, pretty gory. Really good so far though. I'm currently 3 episodes into the new season of True Detective and I'm really enjoying it.

    1. I fell off of watching True Detective. I'm regretting it with all of the praise for the new season right now.

  19. I loved reading GEEK LOVE again with everyone! We've been watching Marie Kondo and the Joe Bob Brigg's movies on Shudder. My son keeps telling me to watch The Punisher but something about it scares me off.

    1. I really need to watch Marie Kondo. Her book made me want to get rid of everything I own - but I didn't. LOL.

  20. I am only on S2 of Daredevil and have many other Marvel series to watch. I just tend to read more than watch. Enjoy your new reads! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I tend to be more of a reader than a watcher, too!

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