Sunday, January 20, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 20

Did you get snow this weekend? It doesn't snow here, but we did get some of that crazy wind! This past week was way too busy with a noticeable lack of reading, but my son had a slumber party Friday night and I spent my late night hours doing some much needed couch reading.

Posted Last Week

I posted my ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ review of Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire.

Finished Reading

Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children #2) by Seanan McGuire ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - I'm really enjoying this series!

American Primitive by Mary Oliver ⭐⭐⭐⭐★ - I'm taking part in a poetry challenge on Instagram this year. This month's prompt is "Female Poet". Mary Oliver passed away this week. It was time for me to pull this from my shelf.

Currently Reading

Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children #3) by Seanan McGuire - Yep. I'm hooked.

The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (Wayfarers #1) by Becky Chambers - I've heard such amazing things about this one. I having trouble getting into it, but I'm not giving up yet.

Recent Acquisitions

Many thanks to Flame Tree Press for sending ARCS of Savage Species and The Nightmare Girl by Jonathan Janz. I'm excited to read these reprints of early Janz novels that I missed the first time around!

Many thanks to Dark Moon Books for sending copies of Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror edited by Eric J. Guignard and Exploring Dark Short Fiction #3: A Primer to Nisi Shawl edited by Eric J. Guignard. Pop the Clutch is a collection of horror stories based on the "cool side of the 50s". I'm obsessed with the Exploring Dark Short Fiction series. I can't wait to check out the stories by Nisi Shawl!

Thank you to Sonora Taylor for sending an ARC of her upcoming release Without Condition.

Vampires in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russell - Vampires in the Lemon Grove is a collection of short stories from the author who wrote Swamplandia!.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I have A Long Way To A Small Angry Planet and am anxious to read it. Also, I am going to read some older sci-fi by CJ Cherryh

    1. I've never read CJ Cherryh. I hope you enjoy them!

  2. I wish we got snow! I love it but we don't get it often. :(
    I love the title "The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet". Shame you're not really feeling it.

    1. If I could just have it once a year, I'd be happy. I don't need it more than that, but I'd love to have it sometimes. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet still has potential. It might just be me right now.

  3. We ended up with no snow. Just lots of rain. Your books look interesting. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

  4. I really love the cover of Beneath the Sugar Sky! Those are great colors!

    1. Yes! I love the covers for this series. They are all unique like the stories in them.

  5. We did get some snow and now it's sunny out and it's melting a bit. It's still really cold though. Is winter over yet?? :)

    I think Long Way To A Small Angry Planet takes a while to get going. I hope it picks up for you.

    1. I would be happy to have a short winter. Thanks for letting me know it takes a while. I remember you really liking it.

  6. People are always raving about McGuire. I am almost curious enough to read one of his books. Our MASSIVE snow storm turned into a TON of rain. The cold front is moving in right now, and they are calling for like 5 F tomorrow. So cold!

    1. Oh, wow. Everyone seems to have gotten different weather than they were expecting. It's cold here, too, but definitely not that cold. Stay warm!

  7. Oh, the wind can make it crazy cold outside. Glad to hear you got some late night reading done. Enjoy your books! :)

    1. Yes, the wind brought in the cold with it. Thanks! :)

  8. I'm so glad you are enjoying the McGuire series and even after reading all 4, the 2nd still remains my favorite. It's crazy cold here tonight and we're trying to keep the old house as warm as possible. I need Pop the Clutch. My Dad was a drag racer for a while so anything with cars/highways/etc always catches my attention. Must be in my blood.

    1. I really enjoyed book 2. I like how each book is really unique from the last one. That's cool about your dad! :)

  9. We didn't get snow just lots of rain, wind and freezing temps. Not much fun.
    Late Night reading sounds amazing! :) Hope your son had fun with his friends

    Have a great week,Jennifer! Happy Reading!

    1. Ew, freezing rain is not good. I hope it doesn't last. Happy reading!

  10. I agree that one or two snow days would be nice, but so far we've had nothing here in the Pacific NW. I just read Every Heart a Doorway a few weeks ago myself, and keep meaning to pick up Long Way to a Small Angry Planet too. Your new acquisitions all look pretty scary!

  11. I did get snow this weekend my hubby said we got 6-9 before the rain and sleet came - I said like 3 but he says I am wrong. Oh well! Have a great week of reading and glad the slumber party was good.


  12. I hope you like the Becky Chambers book. I need to read that one. Karen Russell is one of my favorite short story writers. I like her other collection more than Vampires, but Vampires is still good. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm looking forward to reading Karen Russell's stories. I need to track down her other one now.

  13. We're reading a lot of the same authors and books! I'm reading Janz's The Dark Game right now and also reading That Which Grows Wild by Eric J. Guignard. I'll be watching for your reviews.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Yay! I have That Which Grows Wild, and I need to read that one super soon.

  14. A Long Way To A Small Angry Planet was great, but I can understand why it might be tough to get into with the episodic format. I didn't know what I was getting into when I started either, and had a few false starts. Hope it gets better for you!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. See. I love you guys. That makes me feel better about it. I will stay the course.

  15. We haven't had any snow yet, but it has been freezing cold. I love the way it looks outside.. but days like this makes me wish we had a fireplace.
    Your new books look great.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Oooh, a fireplace would be nice. We don't have one either.

  16. All of your books look enticing...especially the Karen Russell one! Enjoy them and stay warm!

  17. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Seanan McGuire's books. That's an author who has been on my radar for a while now but I still haven't read a book.

    1. I had read her Mira Grant work in the past. These are the first of her Seanan McGuire books that I've read.

  18. Certainly a good time to read Mary Oliver poetry, she will be greatly missed.

  19. I still need to get to The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet! It was gifted to me by Bookthinkers over a year ago now!! I can't wait to read your review!

  20. I'm going to be reading In an Absent Dream soon. My weekly updates

    1. I'm looking forward to being completely caught up!

  21. I'm intrigued by the Wayward Children series, but still haven't gotten to it. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I hope you enjoy your new books!

  22. I've heard good things about The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet too. Hopefully it will pick up for you. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Thanks, Laura. I haven't picked up back up yet, but I'm determined to give it some more attention.

  23. I really need to catch up with the Wayward children. I've only read the first but I did enjoy it and you're clearly hooked to the series which is very encouraging.
    Lynn :D

  24. I'm in a poetry mood at the moment and have several collections awaiting reading. I'd not heard of Mary Oliver before though so will have to take a look at her work.
    I think there's snow in the UK this week, but here in southern Spain it's just windy

    1. I've been loving getting back into poetry. I hope you have a chance to check out Mary Oliver's work.

  25. I've had a hard cover copy of Vampires In the Lemon Grove for a few years now. I need to get going on that.

  26. What a bunch of different weather. We got the cold and sunny here. 30s in the day and teens at night. Now today it's up to 60 and it will rain tonight. Crazy shifts about every 4-5 days.

    I have yet to read Seanan McGuire although I have plans to read her books. Have a great week and find some amazing books! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I'm curious about some of Seanan's other series. I have one of her cryptid books as well.

  27. I plan to try the Becky Chambers series sometime this year and see how I get on with it. It is out of my comfort zone though!

  28. I have seem such rave reviews for The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. Hope it ended up being a hit for you as well.

    1. Thank you, Tanya! I haven't picked it back up yet, but I plan to at some point.

  29. I'm currently reading a boring health book (Reset Your Inner Clock) to help me sleep better and a fluffy romance novel (The Lightkeepers by Susan Wiggs.) I don't normally read romance novels, but I had a stressful week and I wanted to read a book but I wanted one that didn't require much thought or effort. So far it's pretty good.

    1. Sometimes it's good to step outside of our normal reading habits.


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