Sunday, January 13, 2019

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 13

I'm still trying to get back to a normal routine after being off of work through the holidays. My brain is still in holiday mode. We've had gorgeous weather this weekend, though. I've been able to do a lot of work outside with the kids and the dogs running around.

Posted Last Week

I posted my ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review of Ghost Story by Peter Straub.

Finished Reading

Carrie by Stephen King ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - This was such a fun buddy read. I think this was the first one ever with this group where we all liked the book. We are an opinionated bunch! Even though this was my fourth time to read it, I'm going to attempt to write a review this week.

Currently Reading

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden - I'm really excited to finally be reading this! I'm buddy reading it this week with Toni the Reader, and I have such high hopes.

Recent Acquisitions

A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines - This was a recommendation from Tracy. She made it sound so beautiful so I had to buy it.

A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1) by Deborah Harkness - I didn't order this because the series is about to start, but I am excited there will be a series waiting for me once I read it!

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn - This has been on my wishlist for a while since it's Bark's favorite book. I'm looking forward to reading it with the Ladies of Horror Fiction team this month. (Let me know if you want to join in.)

Current Distractions

First Man sucked. It was the worst NASA related movie I've ever seen. It was too early to rent it so I have major buyers remorse right now.

Deadpool 2 was entertaining. I'm not big into Marvel, but I do enjoy Deadpool.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I absolutely loved The Bear and the Nightingale. I hope that you do too! And Carrie - such a good story. Poor Carrie. :(

  2. You are so brave to read Carrie!!!! I stopped reading Stephen King's books as a teenager. He writes so well that I could not sleep for weeks after ;-)

  3. I like how you didn't sugarcoat your opinion of First Man. I may have chuckled. Carrie is such a classic.

  4. I'll be sure to avoid First Man. Glad to hear your reading group all enjoyed Carrie. I've watched bits and pieces of the movie, but I never read the book. That ending!

  5. I love the Discover of Witches trilogy! Ooo I will be avoiding First Man to be sure!😂

    1. Ooh, glad to hear! I need to figure out when to squeeze them in.

  6. I hope The Bear and the Nightingale turns out to be a great read for you. That's one of my favorites. :)

    1. Thanks! I've been a bit distracted with that one so far.

  7. I need to read more King. I feel like I am mising out on some great books. I loved The Bear and the Nightingale trilogy and hope you do as well. Have a great week!

  8. I didn't hear great things about First Man, so your response wasn't entirely unexpected, lol. Worst NASA related movie you've ever seen though, wow, now THAT'S really bad considering there have been some real stinkers over the years!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. It was super nice here today (well, sunny anyway) after a few days of dreariness, so I'll take it!

    Geek Love looks fun. I guess I'll skip First Man lol.

    Have an awesome week!

  10. Good luck with getting back to your routine. I hope The Bear and the Nightingale is good because I have that book on my shelf. Have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm struggling with Bear, but I'm pretty distracted right now, too.

  11. Ooh I'd love to join your Geek Love group read but I just have too many January books I have to read. I'll be looking for your review though!

    1. Aw, I wish you could join us, but I totally get that!

  12. I always liked Carrie-it is one of my King favourites!

  13. I just love the Discovery of Witches books. And I've watched the show.. Although the books are way better. I enjoyed the show too.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    1. Oh, good to hear! I hope to squeeze in the books sometime in the near future.

  14. I am so worried you are all going to hate Geek Love. If I were a nail biter they'd be bitten down to nubs!

    1. Noooo. No need to fear! I'm looking forward to it. :)

  15. I will have to go check out your review of Ghost Story by Peter Straub. I think I have read this but can't remember. =)


  16. Ahh, Carrie - I loved that although it was a long time since I read it - I really should reread.
    Lynn :D


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