Sunday, September 2, 2018

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | September 2

I have exciting news to share!

First of all, thank you so much to everyone who participated in or shared the #LadiesofHorrorFiction Instagram challenge. It was an amazing month. We had over 1300 photos of books by women horror authors shared using the hashtag!

If you've been following along, you've seen the hosts teasing you a bit that there was more to come. Yesterday we unveiled the Ladies of Horror Fiction website. Lilyn, Toni, Bark, Tracy, Emily, Alex, Gracie, and I have been working on this project over the summer, and it's been a hard secret to keep! Please go check it out. We even have a directory of women horror authors! We will be posting reviews, guest posts, interviews, etc, and there will be even more exciting announcements coming soon.

Finished Reading

Tau Zero by Poul Anderson ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - This was a buddy read with Lilyn. It's not a book I would have picked up on my own (hard science fiction), but it was a really great read.

The Siren and The Specter by Jonathan Janz ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫 - I finally finished reading The Siren and the Specter. Don't let the length of time it took me to read it fool you. I loved it.

The Mouth of the Dark by Tim Waggoner ⭐⭐⭐💫 - Wow, this was a weird book. I need to hunt down some of Waggoner's older titles.

Currently Reading

My reading plans for the week include Baal by Robert McCammon, The Sea was a Fair Master by Calvin Demmer, and Creature by Hunter Shea.

Review Copies

We Sold Our Souls: A Novel by Grady Hendrix - Thank you so much to Quirk Book for the finished copy of We Sold Our Souls. Be on the look out for my review closer to publication date September 18.

Thank you to Dark Moon Books for the following review copies. These are all gorgeous editions!

Exploring Dark Short Fiction #1: A Primer to Steve Rasnic Tem edited by Eric J. Guignard - This is an introduction to the work of Steve Resnic Tem. "For over four decades, Steve Rasnic Tem has been an acclaimed author of horror, weird, and sentimental fiction. Hailed by Publishers Weekly as “A perfect balance between the bizarre and the straight-forward” and Library Journal as “One of the most distinctive voices in imaginative literature,” Steve Rasnic Tem has been read and cherished the world over for his affecting, genre-crossing tales."

Exploring Dark Short Fiction #2: A Primer to Kaaron Warren edited by Eric J. Guignard - This one is an introduction to the work of Kaaron Warren. "Australian author Kaaron Warren is widely recognized as one of the leading writers today of speculative and dark short fiction. She’s published four novels, multiple novellas, and well over one hundred heart-rending tales of horror, science fiction, and beautiful fantasy, and is the first author ever to simultaneously win all three of Australia’s top speculative fiction writing awards (Ditmar, Shadows, and Aurealis awards for The Grief Hole)."

That Which Grows Wild by Eric J. Guignard That Which Grows Wild collects sixteen dark and masterful short stories by award-winning author Eric J. Guignard. Equal parts whimsy and weird, horror and heartbreak, this debut collection traverses the darker side of the fantastic through vibrant and harrowing tales that depict monsters and regrets, hope and atonement, and the oddly changing reflection that turns back at you in the mirror.

A World of Horror edited by Eric J. Guignard - "Every nation of the globe has unique tales to tell, whispers that settle in through the land, creatures or superstitions that enliven the night, but rarely do readers get to experience such a diversity of these voices in one place as in A World of Horror"

The Five Senses of Horror edited by Eric J. Guignard - "Hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste: Our impressions of the world are formed by our five senses, and so too are our fears, our imaginations, and our captivation in reading fiction stories that embrace these senses. Whether hearing the song of infernal caverns, tasting the erotic kiss of treachery, or smelling the lush fragrance of a fiend, enclosed within this anthology are fifteen horror and dark fantasy tales that will quicken the beat of fear, sweeten the flavor of wonder, sharpen the spike of thrills, and otherwise brighten the marvel of storytelling that is found resonant!"

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I hope you enjoy the new books! Have a great weekend and week ahead.

  2. Enjoy your reading, and thanks for sharing. I am not a horror fan, although I've tried a Stephen King now and then.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I love Stephen King, and a lot of his books could be classified in other genres.

  3. That awesome that you organized a ladies of horror event. Whenever someone says horror, I think the first person I think of is Stephen King. I would like to replace his name with that of a woman.

    1. Yes! Stay tuned for more. We will be sharing a lot of women writers. :)

  4. I want to read The Siren and The Specter and Hunter Shea. Great books! Enjoy your week!


  5. I missed #LadiesofHorrorFiction I am going to have to take a look at those. So cool.

  6. I just went over and followed the new site! I'm sure I'll be finding some great new reads from all of you fabulous hosts! I'll spread the word.

    My Sunday Post

  7. Congrats on the website- looks great! And the Instagram challenge too. What a great idea. Will definitely be bookmarking that one. :)

    Tau Zero and The sea Was a Fair Monster both look good to me. Not sure why but I like scary stories set in / under the sea for some reason.

  8. I don't read much horror, but I do watch alot of horror movies. LOL Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!

  9. I just started reading The Mouth of the Dark, everyone keeps saying how weird it was! I'm curious to see how I like it. I'm super excited for the new website, what a great idea!

  10. I've already visited the new site. It's awesome! Can't wait to follow everything you guys do! Lots of great books on your haul this week. Gonna have to check some of them out.

  11. I'm looking forward to see what you thought of We Sold Our Souls! After some deliberation, I've decided this is a book where I'll wait for some reviews to pop up before taking the leap. Too many books on my plate at the moment!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  12. How exciting to launch the web site! I'll be following that every week for sure as you can never have too much horror in your booky life! I'm hoping to get my copy of Creature sometime this week if there are no Amazon delays!

  13. Creature is one of my top books this year! Mouth of the Dark was very strange. Flametree is certainly sending out a great variety!

  14. I hope you enjoy your new books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  15. You have been busy. I am not a horror reader but if I were I'd certainly be following along. Sounds amazing.

  16. It seems like you have some great reading ahead of you. I can't seem to read that much of one genre in a row, now matter my intentions.

    Happy reading!

  17. It looks like you’ve been reading a lot of spooky books. I’m spending September reading horror because I have so much of it on my shelf. I hope you enjoy your books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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