Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Book Review | We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix

We Sold Our Souls is a new horror novel from Grady Hendrix.

In the 1990s, heavy metal band Dürt Würk was poised for breakout success -- but then lead singer Terry Hunt embarked on a solo career and rocketed to stardom as Koffin, leaving his fellow bandmates to rot in rural Pennsylvania.

Two decades later, former guitarist Kris Pulaski works as the night manager of a Best Western - she's tired, broke, and unhappy. Everything changes when she discovers a shocking secret from her heavy metal past: Turns out that Terry's meteoric rise to success may have come at the price of Kris's very soul.

This revelation prompts Kris to hit the road, reunite with the rest of her bandmates, and confront the man who ruined her life. It's a journey that will take her from the Pennsylvania rust belt to a Satanic rehab center and finally to a Las Vegas music festival that's darker than any Mordor Tolkien could imagine. A furious power ballad about never giving up, even in the face of overwhelming odds, We Sold Our Souls is an epic journey into the heart of a conspiracy-crazed, paranoid country that seems to have lost its very soul...where only a girl with a guitar can save us all.

First of all, I love horror books centered around music. Books like Robert McCammon's The Five and Todd Keisling's The Final Reconciliation are among my favorite books. I could not have been more excited when I heard Grady Hendrix had written a metal horror book. I'm such a fan of Grady Hendrix. Paperbacks from Hell was a stunning book, but My Best Friend's Exorcism is what placed him on my must read author list. It was a very unexpected read (in a great way).

We Sold Our Souls was an unexpected read as well, but for more traditional reasons. A lot of scenes in We Sold Our Souls took me by surprise. Some were unpredictable and some were just downright brutal. (Barb, I'm pretty sure no dogs were harmed in the making of this one!)

Grady Hendrix's writing is so much fun. It immediately puts me in a great place as a reader. The music references and Hendrix's personal interjections in We Sold Our Souls were a big bonus, too. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.


Review copy provided by publisher


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  1. The music angle was what drew me to this one as well, and makes me think I'll enjoy it more than his last book. Really glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. You might! The depth of the last one took me by surprise. This is a fun one, though.

  2. I haven't tried anything by the author yet but I'm curious.

    1. Beware of Best Friend's Exorcism. It's good but a certain part was unnecessary in my opinion :)

    2. Yeah, there is a dog in Best Friend's Exorcism. That really ends well. It's a great book otherwise, though. :)

  3. Thanks for the answer to the question you just KNEW I was going to pose. STILL not over that death in Best Friend's Exorcism. However, I do like Hendrix enough that I had planned on grabbing this one anyway. Glad you enjoyed it and now I can go into it not wondering about any pups fate!

    1. I know the things that matter! LOL.

    2. That's the most important thing to know. One needs to be prepared for doggy death.

  4. Sounds interesting. I’m glad it didn’t disappoint.

  5. I just listened to an interview with Grady Hendrix on the Books in the Freezer Podcast! This one sounds so fun! I definitely have to check it out!

    Erica | Erica Robyn Reads

  6. I absolutely loved this book, it just pushed all the right buttons for me😀


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