Sunday, April 29, 2018

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | April 29

Finally some beautiful weather! One of the reasons I've been complaining about the weather so much is I've been having to haul my vegetable plants upstairs and out in the garage and back out in the sun waiting to plant them. I finally got most of them planted yesterday, and I found these turtle eggs out in the garden (ironically underneath my son's plastic turtle).

It looks like some of the eggs have already hatched so I'm on turtle watch! We don't have a pond in our yard so I'm trying not to worry about these little guys making it where they need to go.

Posted Last Week

Last week I posted my review of Catherynne M. Valente's Space Opera.

I also posted the books that made it onto my wishlist last week.

Read Last Week

I had to DNF The Nightmare Room @ 46% because there were too many layers of child horror for me, but it was a great haunted house story with a lot of imaginative scenes. I would still recommend it to folks who don't purposely avoid child related horrors. There's going to be a sequel, and I'm hoping there's a chance I can jump back in on that one.

I was planning to read 1984 this year as part of my 2018 TBR jar, but Lilyn at SciFi and Scary suggested I read Fahrenheit 451 instead. I wound up reading it as a buddy read with Lilyn. I loved it. I'm planning to fall down a giant Ray Bradbury hole.

Recent Acquisitions

I got to meet Joe Lansdale last weekend at the Boomtown Film Festival. I say that casually, but it was a huge highlight for me! He signed a limited edition of The Magic Wagon for me.

The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay - Many, many thanks to William Morrow for the review copy of The Cabin at the End of the World. I could not be more excited to read this one!

Entropy in Bloom by Jeremy Robert Johnson - I grabbed this short story collection on the cheap from Amazon. I've heard amazing things about these stories so I'm looking forward to spending some time with them.

The October Country by Ray Bradbury - I checked out a couple of Ray Bradbury's collections from the library including The October Country.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I read Fahrenheit 451 for the first time a few years ago. Loved it as well

  2. Bradbury is a classic, I love everything I've read by him. How exciting you got to meet Joe Lansdale! I've met a lot of authors but I've never met him before. And wow, turtle eggs! I'm very worried for those babies, give us an update when you can😊

    1. I'm hoping to read a lot of Bradbury, but life has been so busy lately. It was great meeting Lansdale. I will keep you guys updated on the turtles. There's nothing new so far.

  3. Turtle eggs! How awesome!
    I also read Fahrenheit 451 (again) this year and I also loved it. Which is so weird because the first time I read it, I did not. I must have had a fever. lol I think my next Bradbury is going to be The Martian Chronicles.

    Joe Lansdale! That's so awesome! Great picture. :)

    1. I'm jealous of folks who read 451 in high school, but I can't help but wonder how I would have felt about it. Yeees. I want to read The Martian Chronicles later this year.

      Thanks! :)

  4. How awesome you got to meet Lansdale!!!! And turtle eggs...that's exciting too!!! I still plan on reading The Nightmare Room at some point but I'm sorry it didn't work for you.

    1. That's OK about The Nightmare Room. I got some great scenes out of it. I think you'll dig it.

  5. Oh dear. I hope I can stomach The Nightmare Room. I downloaded it this week.

    1. I hope you can, too. I think everyone else made it through it OK. I'm just overly sensitive to kids in horror.

  6. Turtle eggs under a toy turtle, I'm 😂 And yassss, fall down that Bradbury hole! He's such an evocative writer, everything he writes is an utter joy to read :)

    1. Right? LOL. I can't wait to read all of the Bradbury things.

  7. TURTLE EGGS!! My husband is obsessed with turtles and tortoises of all kinds! Great new books this week! And Nightmare Room! That one is new to me, but I'll have to check it ou!

    1. I'm sorry you guys aren't here to check out the eggs and maybe even babies at some point. I'm trying not to be all nervous about them.

  8. Do you know what kind of turtles? They're resourceful animals in general, so hopefully mama knew what she was doing and the babies will make it where they need to be :)

    And I'm also excited to check out Cabin at the end of the World. I loved his Head Full of Ghosts but was somewhat meh on Disappearance at Devil's Rock. I'm crossing my fingers this will be a winner again.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I'm pretty sure they are snapping turtle eggs. A lot of our neighbors have ponds and we have a canal that runs behind our neighborhood. It just seems so far to me for tiny babies! But we do get turtles that cross through our yard so I'm trying not to worry.

  9. Ooh turtles!! I hope the little ones make it. I love turtles. And that IS cool they were under the toy turtle! I should read Fahrenheit 451... I've never read Bradbury, which seems odd, but then there's a lot of classic SF writers I've never read.

    Yay for meeting Lansdale!

    1. This was my first Bradbury. I found it odd, too. :) You shouldn't definitely give him a read at some point.

  10. Turtle watch sounds very exciting! Cabin at the end of the world sounds interesting.

  11. Turtles!!! How cool!!! Love that they were under a toy turtle.

    I loved Fahrenheit 451 too. Terrifying and amazing.

    And awesome that you got to meet a favorite author!

    1. I'm so glad I finally read 451. I was missing out.

  12. Isn't it great to meet authors? I love getting autographed books too. We're still waiting for Spring here in the chilly north. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  13. We have a lot of turtle sightings in my neighborhood (there's a stream that runs behind the last few houses) but I've never seen turtle eggs around. Happy reading! Donna from Girl Who Reads

    1. We have ponds and a canal in the neighborhood so we do see turtles. It just seems like a long, hard trip for a tiny babies to make. I know they know what they are doing, though.

  14. Oh hope those turtles have an in built radar. All the best with the vegies, I have a garden so I know what its like. Thank you for your kind words on my blog and will certainly keep your offer in mind.

    1. Thanks. I'm not growing much this year so it should be enjoyable. Yes, please let me know if there's anything I can do.

  15. I love Ray Bradbury! Happy diving into his writing. And I hope the baby turtles are all okay. :)

    1. Thanks. I knew I needed to be reading Bradbury, but OMG. I love his writing so much!

  16. That's quite a number of turtle eggs! Hope that they'll be able to find their way out.

  17. I still can't believe that picture with Joe Lansdale, ahhhh!!! How are the turtle babies doing?

  18. Oh wow! I can't believe you have turtles/turtle eggs in your garden! Fingers crossed for the little guys.

  19. How cool that you found turtle eggs! I hope they do well!

    You'll never want to come out of the Ray Bradbury hole! I just finished Fahrenheit 451. I can't wait for the show! I hope you enjoyed it.

    Picked up The Nightmare Room also. I love when they're on KU! Going to give this a try and see if it freaks me out too much.


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