Sunday, April 15, 2018

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | April 15

I hope everyone had a great week. It was a roller coaster week of highs and lows for me. I'm grateful for the highs, but I'm ready to have a break from the lows. I'm also ready for winter to be over! This crappy weather is not helping matters at all.

I managed to get some blog posts out last week! I don't usually blog ahead, but it helped to get them all written and scheduled on the weekend. I think that's going to be my method from now on since I am clearly not capable of blogging after work. I'd much rather plop down and read your posts instead.

Posted Last Week

Read Last Week

Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente - I'm hoping to have a review out this week for Space Opera.

Your Inner Critic Is a Big Jerk: And Other Truths About Being Creative by Danielle Krysa - I went to bed thinking about my internal editor, and I woke up (with a bout of insomnia) to an audible daily deal of Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk. This book was supposed to be aimed at all creative types, but it was mainly written for artists. Unfortunately, I didn't find there to be a lot of insight in Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk.

Recent Acquisitions

They Feed by Jason Parent - The night uncovers all we wish not to see. Thank you to Jason Parent for the copy of They Feed.

Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris - Bring Me Back will be my first B.A. Paris book. Her thrillers have been getting a lot of hype so I'm looking forward to finally reading one. Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the review copy.

Kill Creek by Scott Thomas - Kill Creek was another audible daily deal I jumped on this week. I'm excited to finally read this one. I'm sure I'll be hitting play before the week is up.

Cold in July by Joe Lansdale - My son has to see an eye doctor that is a few hours drive from us, but the good news is the clinic is four minutes from a Half-Priced Books store. Hidden away in the clearance section was this British edition of Cold in July for $2.00!

House of Windows by John Langan - I also found House of Windows for a whopping $2.00.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain - Rounding out my adventures in the clearance bin was Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I'm pretty sure this edition was only $3.00 when it was new, but I love Huckleberry Finn. I'm hoping my kids will let me read it to them since they let me read Tom Sawyer to them a couple of years ago.

Current Distractions

I think the only media I had time for this week was the end of Hap and Leonard. The wait between seasons of Hap and Leonard is rough, and they haven't announced a renewal yet. Fingers crossed!

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I hope to start Space Opera soon, I'm curious to hear your reactions. And I LOVED Kill Creek!

    1. I remember you loving Kill Creek, and I can't wait to read it!! :)

  2. I totally understand your dilemma about when to write the blog posts! Happy reading!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Yep. I'm thinking if it doesn't get written on the weekend, it just doesn't get written that week.

  3. I am with you wanting winter to just end. We had two warm days, and now cold and dreary again. --sigh-- I have been seeing Bring Me Back around the blogosphere. It looks interesting. Hope you enjoy all your new books, and may you have more highs than lows.

  4. My reading has died down so bad. I didn’t finish a single book this week. You’re so lucky to get a B.A. Paris book. You’re in for a treat!

    1. I can't wait to check out her writing. I need a good thriller in my life. :)

  5. I've been devouring books. Its getting the reviews written that takes more time. LOL I have They Feed too. I can't ever pass up on some horror. I'm currently binging new episodes of How To Get Away With Murder. Been waiting forever!

    My Sunday Post

  6. The weather is terrible! We had sleet and practically an ice storm last night. I'm really curious about Space Opera? It looks so fun.

    They Feed looks awesome, and I liked the BA Paris I read- I've seen Bring Me Back circulating around quite a bit!

    1. Ugh. I'm so over the weather. :/ I hope Bring Me Back is as good as the previous Paris books.

  7. I have the BA Paris book and I hope I like it, people seem to love or hate her books. I also have They Feed and am excited to get to it. I grabbed Space Opera because I saw it for $4.99 on my Kindle which I thought was a good price for a new Kindle release by that author. I hope thinks start improving on your end until it's all good :) Also, the weather in my neck of the woods is crazy as well.

    1. Thanks so much, Barb. I hope you enjoy Space Opera. I love Valente. She's so imaginative.

  8. Eep I am loving your new horror acquisitions. They look creeptastic. Let us hope Mother Nature settles into warmer weather soon.

    1. I'm excited about the horror haul. They all seem like great reads.

  9. I've been pre-scheduling my blog posts lately. It helps alot. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I think scheduling blog posts is going to help me be realistic. If I don't get to it this weekend, it will have to wait until the next one.

  10. Very curious about Space Opera. I'm not a Eurovision fan, but I do really love Valente's other books, so I'm torn! I'll have to read your review before making up my mind :) Have a great week!

    1. I'm not really familiar with the whole Eurovision thing, but I adored Valente's Fairyland books. I found Space Opera to be oddly similar to Fairyland.

  11. I saw the Audible deal for Kill Creek the other day, and was tempted even though I already read the book! I hope you'll enjoy it, I think it's the kind of story that would work even better in audio!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It was a good deal! I may start listening to it tonight. If not tonight, soon!!

  12. I love Audible deals! As for media - I started watching The Good Life over the weekend which is a spinoff of The Good Wife. I liked it - but not as much as The Good Wife which I loved.

    Tanya Patrice

  13. I'm still catching up on the Commonwealth Games events that I recorded over the weekend but tomorrow I hope to be reading The Extinction Trials!

    1. I'm going to have to look up The Extinction Trials. :)

  14. Nice assortment of books. I love finding hidden gems in bargain bins. I have been assigned to read Huckleberry Finn four times in various classes and still have not finished it. I am not a big fan of dialect. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  15. I'm reading They Feed now and will be getting to Kill Creek whenever The Strain audio decides to end. That books seems too long. I hope your week is filled with highs :)

    1. Oh, geez, that does not sound like a recommendation for The Strain! I look forward to your thoughts on They Feed. I really should start that one tonight, but Kill Creek is calling my name. We'll see. :) And thanks! I think this is going to be a much better week. My son is having a birthday and that also means cake.

  16. I had a peek at your books you'd like to reread and I agree I'd happily reread the Philip Pullman books, I read them so fast the first time.

    1. I did, too. I don't usually read series books back to back like that!

  17. I have a copy of Space Opera and will be reading it soon. Come see what I'm reading.

    1. I hope you enjoy it! I thought it was a fun read.

  18. I'm ready for winter to finally be behind us too. We did have lovely temps in the 70s and 80s over the weekend but today we're back in the low 50s, which was a bummer.

    1. We are usually lucky with our temps compared to others, but we were in the low 40s and SAD about it. :(

  19. I picked up Kill Creek on Audible too! It's been on my wishlist for ages so I was happy to see that pop up. :)

    1. I was hoping to read it next, but I'm falling into a huge Ray Bradbury hole so... ugh... why can't I have all of the time to read all of the books?!

  20. Ooo.. I haven't read Bring Me Back yet, but I have read B.A. Paris's other two titles - Behind Closed Doors (her debut) is without a doubt one of the most dark & twisted books I've read. So good!

    I hope this week is proving to be a better one!

    1. Awesome. I know I need to go back and read her other ones even if this one doesn't work for me. This week was much better, thanks!!


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