Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Books I’ve Only Read Once but Would Love to Reread

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) is “Books I Loved but Will Never Re-Read”. I love rereading so much, I can’t think of a good reason not to reread a book I loved. Maybe some other lists can enlighten me today. In the meantime, please enjoy this list of Books I’ve Only Read Once but Would Love to Reread.

The Thief of Always by Clive Barker
A Nearer Moon by Melanie Crowder {my review}
The Princess Bride by William Goldman {my review}

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie {my review}
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
East of Eden by John Steinbeck

11/22/63 by Stephen King {my review}
The Five {my review}
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman {my review}

Do you like to reread books? What books are you wanting to read again?


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  1. I can't imagine NOT re-reading my favourite books! They are comfort reads when we most need them and I love going back into familiar worlds!

  2. I really don't re-read much. I've re-read a couple of Stephen King books. I can think of Salem's Lot and The Shining off the top of my head. I want to re-read the Harry Potter books in the new illustrated editions. I need to make time for the Dark Materials stuff one day and you showed the edition I want to get my hands on!

    1. I would love to reread all of Stephen King's books. I have lost count of the number of times I've read Harry Potter. It's my favorite series to reread. I'm hoping to get the illustrated editions one of these days. Ooh, yes, I want that His Dark Materials edition, too. I burn out on series books very easily, but I read the His Dark Materials books one after the other back in the day. I think that's the best way to read them. :)

  3. Interesting prompt. I have lots of books that fall into this category.

  4. I'm not a big re-reader because I have too many shiny new books calling my name. The only I've read more than once are Bag of Bones by King and Geek Love by Katherine Dunn.

    1. I know that feeling, too!! I did not like Bag of Bones at all the first time I read it. I'm soooo curious what I would think if I reread it. Someday I will. Someday I will read Geek Love, too!

  5. I love to reread books. I actually read Watership Down every year, my favorite book. I also read Cape Cod by William Martin quite often as well, Stephen King for sure gets a reread, along with Barbara Michaels. I am addicted to her cozy little books. Jeez, I think I could go on and on! Lol.

    I really need to read The Princess Bride. It's only one of my very favorite movies. :)

    1. I love that you reread Watership Down every year. If you love The Princess Bride movie, you *have* to read the book!! You will love it.

  6. I love to reread my favorite books; I think that's why my shelves are so full. I can't bear to get rid of a book that I might want to read again someday. :D

    1. Right?! That's my problem with hoarding books, too. :)

  7. The Thief of Always! I loved that one! I haven't read 11/22/63 yet, but I keep meaning too. I'm falling behind on my Stephen King reads! I just recently got two Robert R. McCammon for review. Super excited about those!

    What a fabulous TTT!

    1. 11/22/63 is one of my all time favorites. Did you get McCammon's new audiobooks for review? I hope you love them!!

  8. Oh man, I would love to experience 11/22/63 again. I wonder if it'll also make me cry the second time around :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. Yes to Princess Bride! I read that one years ago and loved it, and I really want to read it again at some point because I've already forgotten so much, and I'm curious as to whether I'll love it as much this time now that I'm a reviewer and have been reading so many books (when I read it before, it was during a lull in my reading).

    1. I read The Princess Bride after being a reviewer, and I loved it!!

  10. The Princess bride! I still can't believe I've never read it. Kind of embarrassed to admit too lol. And I'm ridiculously overdue to read some Christie...

    1. It hasn't been a terribly long time since I read The Princess Bride. I'm so glad I finally read it. I'm overdue for some Christie, too.

  11. Wow, these look amazing :) and that's so true - I would so reread His Dark Materials again! I just read it last year (for the first time!), so I feel like I should put some time between me and it so I can decently 'forget' stuff and it's more of a surprise to me :D

    1. It's been a while since I read His Dark Materials. I'm overdue to read it again! :)

  12. I really liked The Golden Compass, but the rest of the series just didn't do it for me sadly.

    My TTT https://wp.me/p3ftwe-UZ

    1. That's so interesting. I was the exact opposite. :)

  13. I loved and then there were none.
    My ttt

  14. Surprisingly enough I have reread Red Seas Under Red Skies! Yes!! I should reread the Pullman books to see how I feel about them now.
    Lynn :D

    1. I need to reread Red Seas Under Red Skies! I reread Locke Lamora, and I loved Red Seas even more than I loved Locke Lamora (which was a lot).


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