Saturday, January 20, 2018

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 20

I hope everyone is starting to warm up! We had a couple of "winter weather" days here that kept us all home from work/school. It snowed! But the snow didn't stick. It just helped contribute to the icy road conditions. It was beautiful to watch, though.

I used some of the time away from work to finally join Instagram. If you are on Instragram, come find me at bookdenjen!

Posted Last Week

Last week I posted about my 2018 Bookish Resolutions/Goals.

Read Last Week

You by Caroline Kepnes has joined the short list of books that have made me root for the bad guy. Oh, Joe. Joe is a stalker who works in a bookstore, and You is the story of his relationship with Beck. I listened to the audiobook version, and the narrator was fantastic. You wasn't a perfect book, but I don't care. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind I will remember this book.

9/10: Highly Recommended

Review Copies

Zero Day (The Hatching #3) by Ezekiel Boone - I grabbed an ecopy of Zero Day by Ezekiel Boone this week. Zero Day is the final book in his series about killer spiders. Half of me wonders what I am doing reading a series about spiders and the other half of me can't wait to see what's going to happen. I'm predicting this will be most intense of the series.

Current Distractions

Bright had so much potential, but my overall thoughts is it was just a bad movie. The writing and the directing were so bad. It turned out really cheesy for me. Have you seen it? I really hope a lot of people got more enjoyment out of it than I did.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. I'm sad to hear that about Bright. I was very curious about it. I have got to read You one of these days!

  2. Now I’m going to go searching for You. It sounds good. I’m disappointed to hear Bright was cheesy. I’d heard good things. Maybe I’ll just forget it. I have enough unwatchable movies and series on my list.

    1. I'd love to hear what you think of You. I hadn't heard much about Bright so I didn't know what to expect. It was a bummer.

  3. We get the colder weather through to March usually so we have much more to come! I've still to read those spider books-hope to get the first one read this year.

    1. They are a lot of fun. I'm glad there's only one more, though. Haha. I'm not sure I could handle many more spider books.

  4. I won You a few years ago and still haven't read it. I guess I need to read it sooner than later. :D

    1. Yes! You should check it out. I'm not sure it's for everyone, but it is unique.

  5. You sounds kinda interesting! And I haven't seen Bright, I heard some bad things so I stayed away. I wondered though. I'm still watching Longmire but tried an episode of Godless on Netflix, still trying to decide whether to continue. And I've been watching Electric Dreams on Amazon Prime...

    1. I wish I had been warned to stay away from Bright. :) I will have to check out Electric Dreams.

  6. I kind of want to read those spider books by Boone. :)

  7. I thought about watching Bright with my kids, but then heard the bad reviews and just can't find the motivation. :)

    1. I didn't know going into it that it was going to be bad. :( I feel OK telling you to skip it for something else.

  8. I've never seen Bright before, but I have been hearing some bad things about that movie. Glad you had a great week!

    Here’s my Stacking the Shelves!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  9. Looking forward to diving into Zero Day - I'm curious to see how the series will end too!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I hope it ends with all of the spiders dying. LOL.

  10. Oh you make me super curious about ‘You’. It sounds SUPER dark. Yay, MINE!! Glad that you enjoyed it.

    Enjoy your new books. Have a wonderful week and happy reading. 😁❤️

    1. You should check it out, Geybie. Given your past love of horror and your current love of romance - it may be a great fit for you! :)

  11. I've been wanting to try Kepnes' books but haven't as of yet. It seems like so many other readers enjoy them though! Enjoy your killer spiders - LOL! Happy reading!

    1. LOL - strange thing to enjoy, huh?! :) Thanks, Samantha!

  12. I heard so much about YOU. Glad you enjoyed it. I like Will Smith as an actor. Too bad his latest movie was a disappointment for you. I haven't watched it. Have a great reading week!

    1. I love Will Smith. I had high hopes going into Bright, but it didn't work out for me. His acting was fine other than a few scenes I'm blaming on the director...

  13. Nice assortment of books. My arachnophobia would have me avoiding a book with killer spiders though. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  14. I've heard lots of people comment how likable Joe is. I have that book and its sequel but haven't read it yet. I need to catch up and read Skitter so I can finish the trilogy soon. We watched Bright and I found it entertaining enough. I heard they are making another one for Netflix. Guess it must be doing pretty good but I've seen lots of negative reviews.

    1. Joe is a dick. There is no way around it. But there's something about him that makes him hilarious instead of hated.

  15. Oh Joe, is right. He is quite the character ;) My daughter didn't like Bright either so I'll probably be skipping it. Have a great week of reading!

  16. You - sounds like a different but good kind of book, now you have me wondering about Joe!

  17. We had snow this week too! Actually, quite a lot of it. But thankfully, it's now a little warmer, last week was quite a lot below zero, and it sucked xD

    And ooh instagram! Don't mind if I do :)

  18. We had similar weather conditions which meant school was cancelled. I was not sad to not have to get up early and even less sad to have to pull a very grumpy 8 year old out of bed. We are not morning people around here! That's good to know that the narrator for You was great. I've been on the fence about it but I can deal with books that are a bit iffy for me better on audio. Adding to my list. Have a great week!

  19. There was a blizzard here yesterday, so it’s currently freezing. I hope it warms up soon. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  20. I haven't seen "Bright" yet, but I've heard some very mixed reviews. A shame. :/ Usually I really like Will Smith stuff. Maybe I'll still like this one.
    Ah, the conclusion for The Hatching. I hope you'll like it! I've been holding off reading it until I got some final verdicts for the whole thing.


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