Saturday, January 6, 2018

Recent Updates and Currently Reading | January 6

It was back to the grind for me this week. I hope everyone is staying warm and safe. I know if it's this cold here, it's really, really cold elsewhere. We even had a tiny bit of snow collect in the valleys on our roof.

Posted Last Week

Last week I posted about my First Book of the Year. I'm loving it so far. I'm doing the slow savor so it will be a little while before it appears on my read list here.

I also posted the Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2017.

Read Last Week

The Empty House is another Algernon Blackwood short story. After falling in love with his writing last year, I'm hoping to make my way through his catalog this year. I really loved this one.

Splatterpunk Fighting Back is a charity anthology. All of the proceeds from the book go toward fighting cancer. All of the authors, cover artist, etc. donated their work to the anthology. The current price is at $0.99. Unfortunately, my average star rating for the anthology was 1.5 stars. It's for a great cause, though, if you want to check it out. The first story by Adam Millard is worth the price all by itself.

Review Copies

Mark Matthews sent me a copy of Body of Christ. He's a great writer so I'm automatically down for what he's writing. This is one heck of a book blurb. Is it metaphorical or does this kid have his dad's flesh? WHAT. I'm a bit freaked out. Stay tuned for this one.

A boy readies for his First Holy Communion, but rather than eating the Body of Christ, he takes it home and secretly builds his own Jesus out of communion wafers and the flesh of his dad.

On Halloween night, Jesus shall rise.

After the death of her mother, a girl honors the sanctity of life by tending to the Cemetery of the Innocents, a memorial to the holocaust of abortion and children killed before their time.

On Halloween night, the children shall live, and they are hungry.

The Holy Spirit comes to life in this shocking, transgressive story of Christian Horror.

Gallery Books sent me a copy of Ania Ahlborn's Apart in the Dark. It's a print edition of her novellas The Pretty Ones and I Call Upon Thee. I haven't read either of them so I'm super excited to check them out. It was a great surprise so many thanks to Gallery Books for this one.

Current Distractions

My oldest son got his bottom braces put on early Thursday. Since he and his brother are still off for the holidays, we took the rest of the day to go see Star Wars. I highly recommend a second viewing if you are able to do so. It was even better the second time around. I'm really loving this new trilogy.

It has been nice having the kids home without the stress of homework and extra activities. We've been able to have movie nights and game nights. I've gotten away from posting about the games we are playing, and we've found several favorites. Our latest favorites are Dixit and Wits and Wagers. These are both really great games that anyone can play.

So what about you? Let me know what you're reading (or watching) this week or leave me some links!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves, and Caffeinated Book Reviewer's The Sunday Post.


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  1. Body Of Christ looks like it could be very intriguing! Enjoy! :-)

  2. Man I'm so tired of the cold! Thanks goodness for books and Netflix lol. Glad you liked Star Wars, and those games sound fun.

    1. Seriously. I haven't wanted to spend any time outside at all.

  3. The Body of Christ is interesting to say the least...and almost scary. I've yet to read an Ahlhorn book so I need to remedy that in 2018. We've been playing Walking Dead Trivial Pursuit.

    1. Walking Dead Trivial Pursuit sounds hard!

    2. It really is. It relies A LOT on details, which I'm not the greatest with on that show - like names of the episodes, etc.

    3. Wow, you would have to be a die hard fan to remember all of the episode titles! It sounds like of fun, though. :)

  4. All these seems like interesting reads. I hope you enjoy all of these.

    My STS:

  5. I actually haven't read anything of Ania Ahlborn's yet but I really oughta. Right up my alley for sure. I'm impatiently waiting for Star Wars to pop up at the cheap theatre. I have thankfully been able to avoid spoilers. lol

    1. I hope it moves to the cheap theatre soon! We went to the first showing since it's half price. I can't handle regular price movies. Haha.

  6. I'm drooling at your ARC of Apart in the Dark! I really want to check that one out, despite not being a big fan of novellas. But Ahlborn impressed me so much with The Devil Crept In last year, I'm willing to try anything she writes.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I haven't heard much about them, but I'm looking forward to reading them. I do love novellas - especially horror novellas - so they have a lot of potential for me.

  7. And right before I read this, I didn't know Christian horror even existed xD ouch! Sounds creepy.

    And Dixit is great :)

    1. Yes, Christian horror is a thing. I haven't read many of them, though. Body of Christ doesn't sound like what I think of as Christian horror, but we'll see!

  8. I don't generally read anthologies because the standard of story is so hit and miss. I hate ploughing through lots of stories I don't like, hoping for the odd good one!

    1. I agree. It's hard to find an original anthology where all of the stories are hits. They are a great way to find new authors, though.

  9. I can't believe I still haven't seen Star Wars! I may be the last person on earth😐

    1. You definitely aren't the last. I had two days where the stars aligned (so I saw it both days!). You will see it eventually!

  10. Wow, I didn't realize that there was christian horror. That's pretty neat though! Enjoy the books and the week ahead. :)

  11. Body of Christ does sound a bit freaky! Hope you end up enjoying it. :)

    I just saw Rogue One last week. I liked it, but it was sad. Haven't got a chance to see the newest Star Wars yet, but happy to hear it was a win! I'm looking forward to it. :)

    1. Rogue One is really sad! I'm still shocked by it. I love Darth Vader in it, though.

  12. Those breaks are nice. I am always glad to get back to the regular schedule. Have a great week.

    1. I'm feeling so-so about my regular schedule right now. :) I hope you have a great week!

  13. Darn, I had high hopes for Splatterpunk Fighting Back. Ah well, at least the $ went to a good cause :) We are finally warming up here. It's currently 31 degrees up from the 8 degree high of yesterday!

    1. Give it a start and see how you like it. I'm not mad at it, but most of the stories were misses for me. And you are right - it's a good cause! It has warmed up here, too!! Although I feel a little bad saying it's in the 60s here. You are welcome to come visit!

  14. Good luck with your reads. Anthologies tend to not work for me - I like to have a huge ass book with lots of room for characters to grow into epic ness :D
    Sounds like you had a good time over the holidays. I love chilling out. We played a game called Until Dawn - which was creepy but good. In fact we tried it twice - it's one of those games where the outcome changes depending on your choices. The Butterfly Effect.
    Lynn :D

    1. Haha. I know what you mean. I love chunky books, too!! I happen to really love short fiction as well. I'm going to look up Until Dawn. I don't have many tabletop gaming friends, though, so I might not get to play that one. :( The ones I have are definitely "light" tabletoppers.


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